The Memory will Never die.

Apr 04, 2006 22:59

Title: The Memory will Never die.
Authors: Amaroqwolf_Inc and Sk8ter_VAM_Girl.
Synopsis: Even the loss of something can’t change how one feels for the other.
Rateing: Pg-13 to NC-17
A/N: This is a Joint fic, I’ll update as I edit. Lol. Read and enjoy. (links behind the cut)

chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7


Ville smirked against Bam's skin as he listened to him. Since part of Bam's boxers were covering the tattoo, Ville hook his finger onto the waistline of them before pulling on them an inch or two; his lips following as more skin was exposed.

Bam gasped bucking his hips lightly whimpering softly. "Emm..Emm.." He panted lightly.

Finally removing his lips from Bam's skin, Ville began to remove the rest of Bam's clothes. With his clothes on the floor, Ville couldn't help but stare at Bam's exposed body with awe. He then began to feel over dressed, since he was still in all of his clothes, but that didn't matter at the time beings. What mattered at the moment was Bam.

Bam gazed up at him silently breathing heavily. He arched an eyebrow slowly. "What?" He asked. "Did I loose something else besides my memory in that Accident?" He asked grinning lazily he reached down and stroked himself. "Nope," He gasped. "Still there,"

A smile crawled across Ville's lips at Bam's behavior. "No, I just forgot that I've never seen anything so perfect." Ville spoke softly as he brought his eyes up to Bam's blue ones. Before another word could be spoke, he placed his lips upon Bam's as his hands could continue to roam over Bam's naked body.

Bam groaned into the kiss shivering softly arching his back slightly. "Emm, fuck...Willa!" He whimpered shivering hard as goosebumps raised on his skin.

Ville was enjoying the affect he had on the younger man as he felt Bam's goosebumps underneath his fingertips.

"Willa!" Bam whined getting impatient. "Stop teasing!" he whimpered wiggling under his hands then laughing softly as they brushed his ribs. "That tickled!"

Ville smirked at the brunette as he pulled away from him. He reached for the hem of his shirt before pulling the piece of cloth over his head. Once free of his shirt, he inched towards Bam's lower half. At first he kissed Bam's inner thighs, but finally put his attention on Bam's pulsing erection. Licking the pre-cum off the tip of it, he slowly took Bam's full length within his mouth.

Bam groaned loudly pushing his head back into the pillow gasping loudly shivering hard. "Ohhhhhhhhhhhh!!" he cried loudly trying hard not to buck his hips.

Feeling Bam's hips jerk lightly, Ville placed his hands upon his hips, holding them into place. He then began to bob his head up and down along Bam's erection, sucking gently at it.

Bam whimpered fisting the sheets in his hands as he groaned loudly he whimpered softly mumbling something to himself he groaned louder bucking his hips once

Ville moaned deeply threw his actions as he sped up a little bit.

"Willa!" He whimpered. "Gonna...Willa!" He whimpered

He heard Bam's words and sucked on him hard, biting softly at the base of Bam's cock before pulling back up.

Bam gasped loudly his eyes rolling upwards as he came hard.

Ville felt the sticky substance hit the back of his throat and he quickly swallowed it all, wanting every last drop. Once finished, he carefully pulled then moved to were he was eye level with the brunette. He then leaned down and covered his lips with his own.

Bam groaned softly kissing Ville back his chest heaving hard as he breathed through his nose he wrapped his arms around Ville 's necks whimpering softly.

Ville pulled away from the kiss and then rested his head against Bam's shoulder, putting half of his weight on the bed so he would not hurt Bam.

Bam snuggled up against Ville sighing softly he leaned in close to Ville's ear and deepened his voice slightly and began singing softly brokenly. "On my heart I'll bear the shame, No prayer can ease the pain," He paused thinking over the words then continued. " No one will love you, No one will love you the way I do No one will love you Love you like I do "

Ville smiled as he heard Bam use his own lyrics on him. "I love you too." he spoke, kissing softly at Bam's neck.

Bam smiled softly and nodded. "I sounded like a dork," He said with a soft laugh

"It's the thought that counts, love." Ville stated in between soft kisses to Bam's neck.

Bam shivered softly and sprawled across Ville's chest smiling down at him. "Willa?" He asked.

“Yes, love?" he questioned softly, looking up at Bam.

He wiggled. "You seem to have a problem," He mused. "We should do something to remedy that,"

It took a split second for Ville to realize what Bam was talking about. "I guess so." he found himself replying with a smirk upon his lips.

Bam nodded. "Yes indeed, Mr. Valo...your little Valo seems to have a problem." He grinned wickedly and slid down Ville's body he quickly undid the button then gripped the Zipper with his teeth and slowly pulled it down. "Don't wanna hurt Little Mr. Valo....these pants must be suffocating!" He giggled pulling Ville out stroking him gently.

"Yeah." Ville gasped out as he felt Bam stroking him. He quickly bit his bottom lip as a deep moan escaped his throat.

Bam giggled softly. "Oh look Mr. Valo...little Valo is standing up so proudly! You must be so proud." He said and went back to removing Ville's pants, humming softly oddly enough Escape from Hellveiw.

Ville only paid half attention to Bam's words. He was more focused on his actions.

He finished pulling the pants off and held them up. "Nasty tight things....even if they do look fetching on Mr. Valo's ass." He mumbled to himself then slowly began kissing up Ville's leg gently till he reached Ville's thigh. "Willa?" He asked softly.

"Yes, love?" he breathed out, slowly opening his eyes to look down at Bam.

"Will you make love to me?" He whispered softly. "Its been forever and I miss it." He said slowly looking uncertain.

Ville was shocked at Bam's words. "Anything for you, love." he finally answered with a gentle smile.

Bam smiled. "Really?" He asked. "I mean have we before or is this all we've done?" He said his eyes worried looking.

"No, there was a time when we made love for the first time." Ville answered kindly, hoping to rid Bam of his worried expression.

Bam smiled and crawled back up Ville's body and lay on top of him. "Oh?" He asked softly.

"Yeah." Ville replied, smile still on his face.

"Can we do it again?" He asked.

"Sure." Ville answered kindly.

Bam smiled and kissed Ville hungrily clinging to him tightly like a drowning man.

Ville returned the kiss just as hungrily as he wrapped his arms around him.

Bam snuggled against him kissing him hard nipping at his lips.

Getting sick of just the kisses getting exchanged, Ville rolled over so he was on top of Bam. Before Bam could act in protest, Ville ran a hand down Bam's thigh but came to a stop right at Bam's entrance. He then verted his eyes to look up at Bam, asking for permission with his eyes.

Bam gasped softly nodding quickly his blue eyes wide he licked his lips watching Ville silently breathing slowly trying to relax.

Gently, Ville pushed in a single finger into Bam's entrance, starting to prepare him for himself.

Bam gasped slightly blinking rapidly he squeaked softly licking his lips again as he kept his eyes locked on Ville.

Watching Bam lick his lips made Ville crash his lips upon his again as he pushed a second finger in, scissoring and stretching him slightly.

Bam moaned loudly into the kiss rocking his hips whimpering softly his eyes slid shut as he gasped softly. "Oh, Ville,” he mumbled into the Singer's mouth.

Getting slightly impatient, Ville removed his fingers before replacing the emptiness with his cock. His slowly slid into Bam. "Love. Look at me."

Bam whimpered then slowly opened his eyes looking at Ville panting softly. "Willa?" He questioned softly

"Yes, love." Ville spoke, staring into Bam's blue eyes.

"Feels good, really really good," He said smiling at him.

Ville chuckled lightly before pushing himself all the way into Bam, gasping slightly at the tightness.

Bam gasped softly his mouth falling open his eyes wide he squeaked softly. "Oh,"

Ville pulled back slight before pushing back into Bam. He started off with soft and gentle thrusts so he didn't hurt Bam in any way.

Bam groaned softly gripping Ville's shoulder's gently he wrapped on leg around Ville's slender hips sighing softly he let his head fallback against the bed breathing slowly. "Oh you!"

Ville moaned at Bam's words. His thrusts turned into faster and harder ones as he rested his forehead on Bam's forehead. "Emm...Bam." he moaned out.

Bam growled softly clinging to Ville rocking his hips to meet Ville's thrusts sighing softly he groaned loudly. "Ville!"

Ville felt Bam's pulsing erection poke into his stomach and he reached a hand down, gently wrapping his hand around it. He began to stroke it slowly but soon was stroking it to match his thrusts.

Bam arched upwards off the bed gasping, groaning and thrashing about. "Fuck oh god fuck Ville fuck! GOD I LOVE YOU!" He screamed his voice cracking at the end

Ville moaned again at Bam's words and loudness, only turning him on more. His pace got faster, both thrusts and strokes. "Bam....I'm gonna-"

Bam was lost in his own world crying out as he came coating his and Ville' stomach with his come, he groaned loudly bucking upwards again.

Ville felt Bam's come hit his stomach which made him release himself inside of Bam. Thrusting one last time before coming to a stop. Still inside of Bam, he leaned closer to him. "I love you too." he finally replied back as he gently placed his lips upon Bam's.

Bam groaned kissing Ville back sighing softly as he tried to regain control of his breathing. "Emm, god."

"Sorry. I'm not god." Ville smirked as he pulled away and looked down at him.

Bam blinked slowly lazily and eyed Ville. "To me you are," He whispered.

Ville carefully pulled himself out of Bam before laying down on the bed, half on the bed and half on Bam. "Sleep now." Ville suggested as he lazily draped his left arm over Bam's bare waist.

Bam nodded and snuggled his face into Ville's neck closing his eyes tightly. "Hey, Willa?" He asked sleepily.

"Yes, love?" he questioned, eyes still closed.

"Why doesn’t Jess like me?" He half whispers. "He seemed to like me in the video."

Bam really knew how to kill the buzz he was still on. "I honestly don't understand why Jess turned out the way he did." Ville answered truthfully with a soft sigh on his lips. Since it was getting late, Ville knew he was going to have to give Chad a call tomorrow after he woke up, but as of right now all he wanted to do was cuddle with Bam and sleep; something he had been craving all day.

Bam didn't answer at all, just snuggled closer closing his eyes he kissed Ville's throat. "Love you Willie Billie." He whispered before drifting to sleep.

Ville smirked at the new nickname as he reached for the covers. He quickly covered the both of them before letting sleep claim his body as well.

"Willa," Bam whispered in Ville's ear, but when he didn't get a response he got off the bed and dug around until he found his pants. He pulled them on and slipped out of the bedroom to the kitchen. Humming something he didn't know what he made his way into the kitchen. He began to make breakfast along with a huge mess. A loud crash interrupted the silence and the sound of something shattering as it hit the floor.

Ville jumped out of his sleep and he heard a loud crash only for it to be followed by something breaking. He quickly looked to his right to see that Bam was no longer in the bed. Quickly climbing out of bed, he pulled on his jeans from the night before. With them on, he made his way across the bedroom. Out of the bedroom, he tried to find out where the noise had come from.

Bam was standing with his eyes closed in the kitchen as the fine white dust continued to float down around him, coating everything, Him, the floor, the table, the counters the stove....which was now smoking alarmingly. But Bam didn't move he seemed frozen to the spot.


"Bam? What happened?" Ville questioned quickly and kindly as he stepped up to the stove. Seeing that the smoke was coming from a pan, he instantly reached for a lid and placed it on top of the pan. Then removing the pan from the stove, he placed it on a cooler surface.

Bam opened his eyes watching him silently he blinked slowly. "Willa, he's watching me." He whispered.

"Who, love? Who's watching you?" Ville asked carefully as he took a few steps towards the frightened brunette.

Bam continued gazing at him whispering. "In the window, someone looked in." He whispered. "He was watching me,"

Ville glanced over at the window to see no one there at the time being. "Could have been a neighbor, Bam. He's gone now and you're alright. Nothing happened." Ville explained softly as he looked back over at Bam.

Bam looked slowly towards the window then slowly started to relax he gazed at Ville and blinked. "I’m all covered in Flour," He said looking down.

A smile played at Ville's lips. "I can see that." he smirked gently as he reached for a near by towel.

Bam blinked and looked down. "Oh, I've mad a big mess,"

"Nothing we can't clean." Ville smiled as he gently took the towel and began to rid Bam's face of the flour.

Bam scrunched up his nose and smiled slowly up at Ville. "Thanks," He said.

"Why don't you go jump into the shower while I clean this up?" Ville suggested as he pulled the towel away from Bam's face.

Bam nodded. "Okay, I tried to make you breakfast," He whispered.

Ville smiled at Bam's words. "Thanks for the attempt." Ville replied as he leaned down a bit and placed his lips upon Bam's gently.

Bam sighed softly kissing him back pressing up against him.

Ville wrapped his arms around Bam's waist and pulled him as close as his body could press against his own. He then tilted his head slightly to get better access into the kiss.

Bam groaned softly then giggled lightly. "Willa?"

"Yeah?" Ville asked as he pulled away to look down at him.

"Your getting all flourery," He said giggling softly.

Ville shrugged his shoulders lightly, not caring at the moment. "Nothing showers can't fix." he smirked.

"True," Bam said with a wicked Grin then jumped letting out a soft yelp as the doorbell rang.

Ville found himself rolling his eyes, but he quickly stopped himself. "You. Shower." Ville demanded as he stepped out of the kitchen. Walking through the hallway, he reached the front door and quickly unlocked it before pulling it open. "Yes, may I help you?"

"Is everything okay in here Ville?" His neighbor asked. "I smelled smoke!"

"Yes." Ville answered with a shake of his head. "Just food burning, that's all. I have it all under control now. Thank you." he added as he leaned against his front door.

The neighbor nodded. "Alright," She smiled kindly. "If you need anything just feel free to call on me."

"Thank you ma'am." Ville smiled before he carefully closed the door, hoping to end the conversation.

"Bye," She waved and walked off down the hallway.

Ville let out a soft sigh before heading back to the kitchen. Picking up the towel he had put down, he started to clean up the mess.

Bam was washing his hair singing at the top of his lungs "In my heaven” by Negative as he danced around in the shower.

Ville couldn't help but laugh at Bam's behavior as he cleaned up the kitchen. Sometimes he worried about the younger man, mentally.

About 15 minutes later Bam came into the kitchen barefoot and wet. His brown curls dripping. "So, all clean!" He grinned. "Now what?" He asked.

"Anything you want to do?" Ville questioned from his seat at the kitchen table.

Bam shrugged and suddenly picked up a piece of paper and held it out to Ville. "Whose Chad?" He said looking slightly hurt.

Ville quickly stiffened at the way Bam was acting. "He's one of your friends. He was in your brother's band. You two were pretty close." Ville explained, hoping Bam would not think that he was lying.

Bam blinked looking thoughtful then smiled. "oh! okay!"

A sigh of relief left Ville's body.

"So why do you have his number?" He asked fingering the piece of paper.

"He wants to help you out in anyway possible. So he gave me the number incase I need to call him." Ville found himself explaining as he ran a hand through his own hair.

Bam looked thoughtful then shoved the piece of paper at Ville. "So call him! I want my memories back!"

Ville jumped back slightly at Bam's reaction. "Now?" he questioned softly as he grabbed the piece of paper.

He nodded. "Yeah, its okay isn't it?"

"Yeah." Ville answered with a soft smile on his lips. If this was what Bam wanted, then it was what he wanted as well.

Bam grinned and jumped up hugging Ville tightly and kissing him deeply. "Before you call him can I do something for you?" He whispered shyly.

Ville thought for a second. "Sure."

Bam smiled brightly he kissed him deeply sinking against him.

Ville wrapped a arm around Bam's waist as he returned the kiss.

Bam rested his head against Ville's shoulder sighing softy. "I love you Ville, you and only you." He whispered.

"And you the same, love." Ville smiled as he carefully touched Bam's head with his hand.

Bam smiled and tried to rub the back of his head on Ville's hand.

"So what did you want to do for me?" Ville questioned, remembering what Bam had said not that long ago.

Bam looked thoughtful for a minute. "I can't remember," He said.

"That's fine." Ville said as he pulled away slowly. "But as of right now, I need to take a shower so I can give Chad a call." he added as he looked into Bam's blue eyes.

Bam blinked thought this over and nodded his head. "What can I do?" He asked.

"I'm not sure." Ville answered softly as he looked round his apartment. "My only option is to relax." Ville replied with a shrug of his shoulders, not really knowing what Bam could do.

Bam nodded. "Okay, I'll be in the living room." He said with a laugh

"Alright." Ville spoke as he watched the younger man leave the room. Once Bam left the kitchen, he pulled himself out of his chair before heading in the direction of the bathroom.

Bam flopped out on the couch and grabbed the remote he turned on the TV.
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