Past The Deep End! Chapter Three!

Mar 30, 2006 21:10

Title: Past The Deep End
Author: Conjure_Lass (aka Katherine)
Rating: R for now (It'll turn NC-17 later)
Pairing: Bam/Ville
Disclaimer: Oh come on now...this SO didn't happen. I don't own anyone. This is fiction.

Summary: It's adventure on the high seas as a noble man's son is taken prisoner by a mischievous pirate captain! But will their unique relationship turn into something more? Or is a pirate's heart too tough to truly crack? Find out!!

Author's Notes: Wow! Did I ever write today! Twelve pages of pirate vam in one day is a lot for me! I thought about not posting this until tomorrow as a treat, but i'll probably wind up writing the fourth chapter sooner than I think. That said! I present to you chapter three!!

Link to the First Chapter:

Link to the Second Chapter

“Greetings lad! Welcome to the happiest place on earth!”

Ville turned to the sound of the voice, eyebrow raising gently as he surveyed the man in front of him. He didn’t appear to be all that much older than him, and he had a sweet face, nearly cherubic. His hair was brown, falling over his face in messy waves, accenting soft eyes. There was really nothing threatening about the man in front of him at all. Still backing away slightly, Ville eventually found himself pressed against the opposite wall.

“Oh no need to be alarmed laddie! If I was the type to mean you harm I certainly wouldn’t be down here in the brig, now would I?”

That made Ville smile, shaking his head slightly before realizing that he was sitting next to another man. He’d been so quiet that he’d barely even noticed the man beside him, hair the color of daisies in the sunshine and blue eyes. Ville’s eyes widened and he tried to smile.

“Hi…” he said to the blonde man. “I’m…Ville…”

The blonde man didn’t speak, only put his head down a bit and looked away. For a moment Ville was confused and a little offended, until he saw the faint blush crawling its way up the graceful man’s neck to stain his cheeks. Pursing his lips together, he gave a genuine smile and leaned his head down to look at him.

“Um…I said I’m Ville…”

“Don’t mind him,” the larger man said from the other side of the brig. “He’s a shy boy. I’m Mige…and the blushing virgin over there is Mikko. We were picked up a few days ago on a cargo ship. They’re daft if they think we’re worth more than our skins…”

“Hello…” he heard Mikko say, before looking out the dark black bars that held them in their prison for the time being. Ville laughed softly, letting his legs fall from his chest, as he became a bit more comfortable in the two men’s presence. Leaning his head back against the cold wood, he sighed delicately and looked out the little window to the sunlight beyond. That was nice at least…they got a little window…

“I heard the commotion,” Mige said, leaning forward. “You got the captain right riled up lad. Well done. Though I’d advise you not to do that again…Margera has a temper he does…”

Ville grinned and chuckled softly, turning his head to the side and closing his eyes. Yeah…the captain had a temper all right. And beautiful blue eyes…and a lean body…and Ville really needed to stop thinking about that before he had a problem that he couldn’t fix…

Bam kicked a bucket for what seemed like the hundredth time, making it skitter over into a corner and break. Damn…now he’d have to replace that before he could wash again. Sitting down on his bed, he ran both hands down his face, eventually finding himself staring out his window to the sea beyond. What was it that Ville had found so captivating about it? Of course, Bam always loved the sea, but there had been something in the other man’s eyes that had been…enthralled…enthralling. Growling audibly again, he moved to sit down in his chair, his logbook in front of him along with the compass and his other instruments.

“Stupid…Finnish…green-eyed…” he was muttering as moved his compass around and around with his finger. Leaning his cheek into his palm, he winced and pulled away, grabbing the nearest mirror to look at his face. A nice purple bruise was already starting to form on his right cheek, spreading from the base of his jaw up to his cheekbone. Pushing the mirror aside, he cracked open a lemon that was sitting next to him in a large bowl and stuck a piece into his mouth. He’d always liked the taste of it, enjoying the way it made his mouth pucker.

From outside the window the flapping of wings caught his attention, and he looked to find that they were within perhaps a mile of St. Catherine Island. It wasn’t a horrifically large island by any stretch of the imagination, but it was good for restocking the ship and enjoying what little time on land that they had. Standing up, Bam moved over to his wardrobe and pulled it open, revealing the clothing within.

Within moments he’d dressed himself, his outfit only slightly different than the previous one. Now he wore black breeches on his hips, black boots, and the same white shirt he'd worn earlier only with a long red and black vest and a crimson coat to cover it. Now that his hat and bandana were dry he could put them back on his head with no problem. All that was left was to find his…companion…an outfit to wear. If Mr. Valo thought that he was spending the rest of this little trip in the brig he had another thing coming. Bam wasn’t letting that snake out of his sight for a minute.

Or at least that was the reason Bam was telling himself that he wanted to keep Ville around.

When Bam walked down into the brig it was with a small bundle of clothes in his hands, a smile on his face, and every trace of his earlier annoyance forgotten. Running his fingers along the bars, he stopped at the doorway and looked down at the black-haired man in front of him. “We’ve arrived at St. Catherine,” he said, hauling the door open without a word and throwing the clothes at Ville. “You’re coming with me, so get dressed and act enthusiastic about it,” he said, laughing as he turned around and crossed his arms over his chest.

Ville looked down at the outfit in his hands with a sort of startled look. This was a pirate’s outfit, black breeches with a deep green vest and a black overcoat. When he ran his fingers over the coat he noticed how it shimmered slightly in the light. Green thread ran through it, giving it the appearance of having ivy running all over it. Shaking his head, he simply looked at Mige who nodded at him in a way that said ‘I’d do what he says’, and stood up.

A few minutes later he was coming up to the deck of the ship in front of Bam who followed close behind. They were docking in the port of St. Catherine, the crew busily throwing ropes, tying lines, and throwing out the long plank that reached from the ship to the dock. Ville paused, allowing himself a small smile as he looked around. When he’d been a boy he’d never dreamed of seeing such things as this…of being kidnapped and held for ransom…of such adventure. Now that he was having it, it didn’t seem to be as exciting as his boyhood fantasies had dreamt it…but it was close.

“Are you going to behave yourself or do I have to bind our hands together so you don’t run off?” Bam said, giving Ville a hard push onto the plank. “Because you’re damn stupid if you think that I’m going to just let you escape here in St. Catherine.”

Ville turned to look at Bam, raising a dark eyebrow. “I don’t think I’m going anywhere. If I escaped here I’d be stranded…”

Besides, Ville thought to himself, if he tried to get away here he’d probably wind up dead. There wasn’t anyone here who could help him, not to mention he didn’t have any money so he’d be on the street trying to find someone to help him. And from the looks of the village folk…they didn’t look like the helpful type.

“Good,” Bam said, giving Ville another little push to the center of his back. “Let me show you St. Catherine…she’s a smarmy wench but a useful one…”

The next few hours were spent rather uneventfully, other than Bam pointing out random landmarks of St. Catherine while Ville looked. It was a beautiful island, Ville decided after a little thought, green hills that went on forever and tall proud trees with huge leaves that trailed to the ground. He was absolutely sure that he’d never seen flowers in the colors that dripped from the fences and the window boxes of the random apartments. Breathtaking…

“Come Mr. Valo,” Bam said, crooking his finger at Ville and leading them away from the rest of the crew. “I, of course, saved the best for last…”

The sun was setting as they made their way down a small hill that had been worn into semi-stairs, Bam throwing his hat to the ground and toeing his boots off his feet. Digging his toes into the white beach, he sat down in the soft sand and wrapped his arms around his right leg that he pulled forward. “Sit down. You look like a parading vulture just standing there over me like that…”

Ville did as he was bid, looking out at the sea with an awestruck expression. The sky had started to explode in color about twenty minutes before, and now it seemed to be set ablaze in pinks and oranges, making Ville nearly fall over in its intensity. He could have written songs about it, could have sang about it…he could understand now how people fell in love with the sea. He thought he might be developing a bit of a crush on it himself.

“That’s the second time I’ve seen you look at the water like that…” Bam said softly, smiling a bit. “What do you see out there that I don’t?”

Ville turned his head away with difficulty, trying to put into words what he was feeling at the moment. In all honesty he didn’t know why he was even trying to explain himself to the man beside him, but when he looked into those glass blue eyes, he didn’t see any laughter or contempt…only curiosity. It made him blink a few times and smile, making Bam smile back in what Ville thought was almost genuine.

“I don’t know what you see,” Ville said, drawing small pictures in the sand. “I see…freedom…beauty…a way out…life…”

Bam nodded, pulling his bandana off his head and letting his hair fly loose. The curls instantly went everywhere, making Ville stare slightly against his own wishes. Though he didn’t remember doing it, his hand had begun to reach up towards the curls that his eyes caressed; though he stopped himself before he could actually touch them. What the fuck? Staring back out at the sea, he shook his head and wished that life was simpler…and that he could be content in its simplicity. But he’d never been very good at that….

“Freedom…” Bam repeated softly, making Ville glance at the tone of his voice. “You’d think…you’d have all the freedom you want Mr. Valo…”

Ville laughed at that, a bitter sound that was loud in the growing silence of the falling evening. It made Bam’s eyes widen, made him laugh in return. “Freedom? Are you serious? I’m being sent away by overzealous parents against my will. I have no control over my life…I mean…your life…that’s freedom…”

Now it was Bam’s turn to laugh, shaking his head and smiling. “We both have a vastly different opinion of what freedom is Willa..” Bam winked at Ville, making him grin at both the nickname and the obvious flirtation.

For minutes on end the two men sat in silence, neither one moving or wanting to break the comfortable quiet that had settled between them as they both looked out to the sea. Finally, Ville, voice a little uncertain, spoke.

“How does an eighteen year old kid become captain of a pirate ship?” he said, turning completely around and sitting indian style looking at Bam. Bam, for his part, still didn’t move, only sighed and shrugged a bit. Did he really want to go into this right then? No. Was it really any of Ville’s business? Not really. Could he find a reason to deny those spring green eyes what they wanted? Much to his surprise…no.

“My parents were…murdered…when I was seven,” Bam said, shrugging slightly when Ville made a face of horror. “Don’t worry too much about it, I barely remember them…”

“For about a year I scraped by…stealing…living off the charity of others. Then one day a man walked up to me. He looked…like any other pirate you’ve ever seen. He took me to his ship and…basically raised me. He’s the one who gave me the nickname Bam…said I had too much energy. His name was Vance Wynters…they called him The Killing Frost…”

Bam paused, as if caught in a memory of past things. A shadow of a smile graced his face for the briefest of seconds, making Ville watch him more intently. Finally, after toeing the sand a bit more and shaking his hat a few times, Bam spoke again.

“But when I was sixteen I came into his cabin to find him…bleeding…dying…” Bam said, taking a deep breath. “I’d seen men die before that, but…for some odd reason that one stuck with me. Apparently we’d had a traitor on board. It was dealt with but…that didn’t stop Vance from dying…”

“I’ve been captain of The Poison Arrow ever since…” he finished, shrugging again and smiling wistfully. Ville had slowly begun to lean forward during the story, finding it hard to believe that someone who went around kidnapping people and robbing and murdering was really just a wounded kid with no parents and a dead foster father. It seemed…really sad…

And for whatever reason, be it human nature to give comfort, or something a little deeper, he felt his hand reach out and touch Bam’s sleeve. The act made Bam turn sharply, his breath coming in a quick hiss to be held in his lungs. Ville didn’t pull away though, only cleared his throat and spoke softly.

“I’m really sorry,” he said, fingers digging into the fabric of Bam’s coat. Slowly Bam turned to him, bringing their faces very close together, enjoying the surprise in those green depths that practically begged him to come closer.

“Your pity Mr. Valo? I don’t need that…”

“Well,” Ville said, raising a challenging eyebrow. “What do you need…and you should call me Ville…if I’m calling you Bam…”

Bam grinned in amusement, his hand slowly coming up to trail feather soft fingertips down Ville’s cheek. “I don’t know Ville…”

Ville shivered at the feel of the other man’s skin touching his own, was just licking his bottom lip, his eyes slowly closing as Bam inched his way closer….when…

“Captain?!” a female voice came, french accent stronger with her surprise. “Oy Captain I didn’t mean to…um…interrupt!”

Bam pulled away as though burned, eyes blazing with embarrassment, anger, and something else that Ville couldn’t place. Disappointment? Lust? What was it? Ville’s own face was a massive pink as he stood up and walked towards the water to alleviate the humiliation that rushed through his system. What the hell was he about to do? Was he insane? He must have been…but that didn’t stop the tingling that was still present on his cheeks from where Bam had touched him.

Or any other side effects of said contact.

“Just wanted to um…tell you Captain that we’re ready to sail…whenever you are…” Michele said, taking two steps back as Bam angrily shoved his boots back on and pulled his hat over his head. Walking up to her, he glared and pointed at her.

“One word Michele…I hear one word of this in the crew…and Dunn knows…”

She gulped at that, nodding wordlessly. Bam turned his head to watch Ville who was slowly moving down the beach, kicking at the random shell here and there as his long black hair blew in the wind. He was…beautiful. There was no denying it. Nor was there any denying what Bam had been about to do. Did it even matter? Sighing softly, his voice came out more reasonable.

“We’ll stay docked tonight and eat on the ship. Tell the men to enjoy themselves because we may be at sea a while…”

“Aye Captain…”

Watching Michele walk away, Bam turned his attention back to Ville and called out.

“Ville! The party is on the Poison Arrow! The rum’s on me!”

Ville only turned and smiled...walking silently back over to Bam and glancing at him from the corner of his eye as he made his way back towards the ship.

And that's the booty folks! I really am digging this story so far...its pretty damn awesome!

And remember...

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