Vampires Will Never Hurt Me

Mar 29, 2006 17:49

Title: Vampires Will Never Hurt Me
Chapter: 8
Rating: PG ~> NC-17
Pairings: Vam, Jussi/Everyone, Jyrki/Mikey Way, Lindunn
Summery: Like must marry like for there to be happiness. What happens when that rule is broken?
A/N: Hey.... Ummm... This is my first VAM fic so... Be gentle? Construct Crit is good... So if this sucks, tell me in a nice way.
Jyrki and Jussi aren’t related at all…. But in this, they’re brothers…. Deal with it.
Flashbacks now indicated as italicized scenes.
Disclaim/Time to save my ass: This never happened… Untrue
Also; This story contains; Violence, Torture, Prostitution, Rape; statatory and otherwise, and Incest.… Don’t like? There’s a nifty little button at the top left of your screen that will send you back from whence you came. Thankies.

Thank you to
You make me feel really bad about not updating and got me off my ass.

Thank you to Kay, for being my sort of BETA and making me feel good about this fic... And for your Ville always being there for my Billy.

Thank you to Michelle for giving me ideas! You rock and your Jussi kicks ass! Sorry I abuse him so much!

Thank you to everyone who has reviewed for every chapter. I'm glad you like it so much. It really makes me keep writing.

Previous Chapters Can Be Found HERE

Dunn faded in and out of consciousness. He heard voices all around him.
“How could you do this? What were you thinking? Or were you even thinking at all?”
He had never heard Linde so angry before. Whoever he was yelling at had to be scared… But the second voice betrayed no fear. In fact, it almost sounded sad.
“You of all people should know why. I’ve seen your eyes when you look at him. Your voice when you talk to him. I can sense the feelings you both have for each other. I couldn’t bare it. Seeing you like that. Besides, he wanted answers. Now he can get them first hand.”
“It doesn’t matter Mige! Do you have any idea…? I’m JUST getting him to accept immortals. He’s going to feel nothing but resentment now! He’ll hate himself, and he’ll hate me!” Linde was choking back tears as Mige placed a hand on his shoulder and walked out of the room. Dunn didn’t even bother opening his eyes.
“I don’t hate you. But I would like some more answers. Like… ‘What the fuck is going on’ For starters. And… ‘Where the fuck am I?’ Let’s start with those.” Dunn opened his eyes a bit to see Linde’s tear streaked face looking down at him from the edge of the bed.
“You’re back at the mansion. Still in West Chester. As for what’s going on… That’s a little harder to explain.” He dabbed Dunn’s forehead with a dry washcloth.
Dunn hadn’t even noticed how bad he was sweating. He looked down at his hands. They were soaked and the veins bulged. They were also hairier than usual. His nails sharper. Almost like… No.
“No… No no no….” He began to sit up but Linde pushed him back against the pillows.
“Stay still. You’re in no condition to go off on your own. I’ll explain everything just please… Stay still.” He rubbed his temples, trying to figure out how to word what he had to say. “I’m sorry Ryan. I didn’t mean for this to happen… Mige… He doesn’t understand right from wrong like he should. He just… Follows his heart.”
Dunn nodded, slowly understanding what was going on. He wanted to yell. He wanted to hit something. He wanted to kill Mige. He wanted to kill himself. He wanted to tell Linde that it wasn’t his fault.
“I’m hungry.” He finally muttered. Linde smiled softly and nodded.
“I figured you would. I have some… You might want to close your eyes.”
Dunn nodded, his eyes slipping shut. He heard the tearing of cellophane and smelled something. Something strong. Food. He parted his lips, his mouth watering. A small cube was pushed past his lips. It was warm and tender. Meat. But not like he was used to. It was different. Smoother… Wait. He swallowed quickly, his eyes snapping open. Linde was watching him apologetically. An open package of pork sat next to him. Raw.


Bam paced the room, worriedly as he spoke to April on the phone. “Well when was the last time you spoke to him?… What did he say?… Alright… Don’t worry. He probably got drunk and crashed at a friend’s house… I know…I will… Alright… Love you too mom. G’bye.” He looked over at Ville who raised his eyebrow questioningly. “Ry hasn’t shown up last couple days… We’re starting to get worried.”
Ville sighed and nodded. “Do you want me to ask around?”
“Could you?”
Ville nodded again and pulled Bam into his lap on the couch. “In a bit. No one of any use is awake at this hour.”
They sat, cuddled on the large couch for about an hour. Bam clutching Ville’s hand and Ville petting Bam’s hair, singing old lullabies he could still remember from his mother. Until spoke up about something that he had been thinking about for a while.
“Ville? You know how in interviews you’ve said that your father owned a porn shop? Well… They didn’t have porn shops back then, did they?”
Ville smiled softly.
“I never said that he owned a porn shop. I’ve always said sex shop. People assume I mean porn shop. My father owned on of the most successful brothels in Europe. Boys… Girls… From all over the world. Of course… The world was smaller back then…”
Bam chuckled. “Your dad owned a whore house? Damn. What did your mother do?”
“She helped take care of the people working in the brothel. She also tutored the younger ones.”
“Younger? How young?” Bam bit his lip, not quite knowing if he wanted the answer.
“As young as twelve.” Ville stopped, seeing the look on his lover’s face. “My father was a man of money, not morals. My mother was a kind and strong woman, and she knew how to survive. She lived by my father’s rules and helped everyone as best she could. She taught them everything they needed to know. When she was a child, her brother had secretly taught her to read, write, and do math. She gave everyone working there the best she could give them. Education, advice, comfort. She was a wonderful woman.”
Bam smiled and kissed his cheek.
“You take after her then.”
“I’m a wonderful woman?”
“Don’t give me any ideas Valo.”
Ville chuckled, ruffling Bam’s hair. The young skater’s face fell as he remembered something.
“In those interviews… You also used to say that… You worked in your father’s shop… Did you? I mean… Were you a…”
Ville sighed and kissed the top of Bam’s head.
“How do you want me to answer that?”
Bam thought for a moment, trying to decide.
“Tell me the truth.”
“It was how the whole thing started. When I was about thirteen, my family’s money was not where it once was. A man offered my father a good amount of gold, in exchange for the chance to take me home with him for the night. As I said before, my father was a man of money, not morals. He agreed, and realized that I could bring in a lot more. For the first few months, it was just me. Then he started to expand, getting kids of the street.”
Bam held Ville close, trying to process everything.
“Oh… I didn’t… But why would he make his own son… What did your mother do?”
Ville smiled at the memory.
“She knew the man. She couldn’t do anything to stop it, but she knew that he was a good person. She got me ready… Told me a little of what to expect. She told me not to be afraid, that he would be gentle.”
“And was he?”
“Yes. Very much so. He gave me supper and wine… He smiled… Told me I was beautiful. He said to lay on the bed, and made sure I was comfortable. He- I’m sorry… You don’t want to hear all this.”
Bam shook his head and kissed Ville’s cheek.
“I want to know. I told you about my first time.”
Ville chuckled.
“Darling. A drunken fumble fuck with Knoxville in your parents’ bedroom is a little different than a night spent in the bed of a stranger who paid for you.”
Bam stared at him for a moment before he burst out laughing.
“True… True. But I still want to know. Please. It was something major in your life and you were so young. But from the sound of it… It wasn’t that bad.”
“It wasn’t. I mean.. Sure I was nervous… Scared… Of course it hurt. I still remember crying. But he was so kind. Gentle. He brushed my tears away and kissed my shoulders. He told me I was beautiful and perfect.”
“That’s because you are.”
Ville smiled kissing Bam softly.
“I still remember… Some of the men who came to the brothel were a bit scary. But if any of them harmed any of us…” He grinned widely. “They were personally and literally thrown out by my mother. She was the most… She and Ape would have gotten along very well.”
“I wish I could have met her.”
“I miss her.”
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