it's too hard to grieve

Mar 11, 2006 20:04

Title- It's too Hard to Grieve
Author- nyphetamine666
Rating- G-PG(the rating will change as the story progresses)
Pairing- VAM
Summary- Ville's lost everything back in Finland. He comes to america and moves into Bam's home. A small question filled argument leads to a passionate kiss. Will they confess feelings, or pretend it never happened? will it lead down a path of happiness or sorrow?

* links to previous chapters are under the cut :)*

*chapter one*----
*chapter two*----
*chapter three*--
*chapter four*---
*chapter five*---
*chapter six*----
*chapter seven*--
*I want to thank my lovely beta, fear_of_light for beta-ing this story :))

*all thoughts in this story are in italics*

It’s to hard too grieve

Chapter eight

Bam and Ville were sitting in a room at the hospital, waiting for the doctor to check on Ville’s cut hand. Bam had his hand rested on Ville’s thigh, running it back and fourth reassuringly. Ville had been acting weird since they stepped in to the large white building.

“Ville, are sure you’re going to be ok…you’re acting really weird.” Bam looked at Ville.

Ville’s eyes darted from the wall to Bam and back down to the floor. “Yeah Bammie I’m fine, perfectly fine…” Ville put a fake smile on his face and Bam shrugged. “Bammie, when’s the doctor coming? I want to leave soon,” Ville looked at Bam pleadingly.

“Sweetheart, he’ll be in here any moment. Are you sure you’re going to be ok?” Bam looked at Ville with worry in his eyes. “Did something bad happen to you at a hospital before?” Bam asked. Ville tried to answer him but nothing but air came out of his mouth. Ville’s bottom lips began to quiver.

“Bammie, when I was still doing HIM and we would tour different parts of the world they had to give us shots. You know, so like we wouldn’t get some funky tropical fever.” Bam looked at Ville with a questioning look on his face. “Bam do you know how they give these shots?” Bam just shook his head. “In the butt, Bam, I had to get shots in my ass!”

“That’s why you hate the doctors, all because of a couple shots in the ass? Willa, come on man.” Bam started laughing

“Bammie it’s not funny, they really hurt. It’s worse than a normal shot that they give you in the arm.” Ville turned and faced the wall, his arms crossed. “All doctors are the same. They give shots; they grab your nuts and tell you to cough. They stick their fingers up your ass and poke around. It’s not right, Bammie…stop laughing it’s not funny.” Bam was still laughing but stopped when they heard someone knock on the door.

A tall burly looking man walked through the door. Bam looked at Ville, watching the Finn’s eye’s grow wide with fear. “So it says here that you’ve done cut your hand, which of you would that be?” the burly man looked up from his clip board to Ville. “Step on over here young man, lets have a look at your hand.”

Ville stood slowly and looked pleadingly at Bam. He walked over to the tall older man and stuck out his hand. The doctor peeled off the paper towels and examined the cut. Ville winced as the man poked with his finger around the cut.

“Yes…you’re going to need to have that stitched up. Take a seat and I’ll be with you in a moment,” the man said, then turned and walked out of the room.

Ville spun around and looked at Bam. His face was filled with pure terror. “Bammie that-he-my hand,” Ville was shaking his head and continued blabbering on about stupid stuff.

Bam stood and walked over to Ville. He placed a hand on Ville’s face and kissed him softly. “Ville your being a nidiot, what happened to confident Ville back in the car?”

Ville looked up and said bluntly, “You owe me when we get home, I want something good for doing this…” Ville got a wicked grin on his face as he ran his hand up Bam’s side.

The doctor entered the white room containing Ville and Bam. “Ok young man I just need to see you hand so I can clean it, stitch it, and bandage it.”

Ville nervously adjusted himself on the hospital bed. “Umm, excuse me, but I never did get your name,” Ville stated as the doctor turned his back to him.

“It’s Dr. Cantrell, ok now let me finish preparing the needle so I can clean your cut,” he replied.

Dr. Cantrell turned back around with a rather large needle in hand. Ville’s eyes grew wide. “Is that what you’re going to use on my hand…,” don’t get me wrong I’ve injected myself numerous amounts of times, and I still do occasionally but never with a Rambo needle.

“Why yes, Ville, did you say it was? This insures me that I get deep down and around in the cut, so I don’t miss anything. We don’t need you’re hand getting infected and falling off now do we?” the doctor chuckled.

Ville started to whimper, as Dr. Cantrell started toward him with needle in hand. Ville continued to scoot backwards on the bed further away from the doctor. “Bammie he’s trying to kill me, help me!” Ville shrieked, continuing to slide back on the bed.

“Son, listen here. If you don’t sit still I’m going to have to restrain you to the bed,” the doctor warned.

Bam stood from the chair, making his way to Ville’s side, he pleaded, “Ville, please babe, just sit still for the man. Ville! Ville watch out!” Bam yelled as the Finn fell off the side of the bed. There was a loud thump as Ville’s head hit a corner of the bed side table. Bam rushed around the side of the bed, and saw that Ville was only semi-conscious. A small puddle of blood started forming around him. The doctor rushed out the room to get some help and a stretcher.

Bam was on the ground next to Ville, whispering, “Ville, sweetheart look at me. Ville, I’m not over there,”

Ville turned his head over to where he thought Bam was. Whimpering, Ville reached out for Bam and said, “Bammie tell me which of the six of you I should be looking at.” Ville let out a groan and put a hand up to his head. He pulled his hand back and looked at the blood. “My head hurts so bad Bammie. Tell the room to stop moving, it’s making the pain worse.” Bam tried to think of something to do that would ease Ville’s pain.

“Ville baby, open your eyes. You can’t sleep Ville, not now,” Bam turned around as Dr. Cantrell and some nurses came into the room. They moved Bam out of the way and picked Ville up, placing him onto the stretcher. They rushed out of the room , leaving Bam alone.

Bam grabbed Ville’s leather jacket and walked out to the waiting room. He curled up into the chair with Ville’s jacket. He pulled out his cell phone. He pressed numbers into the key pad and put the phone up to his ear.

“Dunn? Sorry Random, were you sleeping?” he asked.

“I’m not anymore, what’d you need Bammo?” Dunn replied.

“Um…I’m at the hospital man, Ville had an accident and I brought him down here to get stitches and he managed to crack his head open on a bedside table,” Bam’s voice started to crack. “Dunn there was blood and he was seeing doubles of everything and…and I don’t know where they took him. I don’t know if he’s ok…”

“Relax, Bambo, I’ll be there soon dude,” the phone line went silent, and he hung up his phone.

About 30 minutes later Bam saw Dunn enter the waiting room. He got up and walked over to Dunn. “Have you heard anything yet?” Dunn asked, looking at bam. Bam’s eyes were bloodshot and Dunn could tell he was tired and worried.

“No. No one has told me anything and it’s starting to freak me out, I just hope Ville’s ok,” Bam turned and looked at the doors separating the waiting room and the emergency hall of the hospital.

A lady in a white jacket stepped in to the large room. She looked around for a moment before talking.

“Mr. Margera?”
well it's been a while since i last posted so sorry about that.

comments are the sex

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