Prompt 04

Mar 10, 2006 22:23

So.. This doesn't have a title yet. But.. since Morphine purrs so nicely, here is

(my kinky vam table- prompt 04: biting (also, anyone who knows how to makes the prompts in the table into links, please email me and help me get it sorted?))

Bam woke up shivering. He reached for seomthing to keep him warm, either the blankets or the body that was meant to be beside him. His questing fingers found neither and he opened one eye and peered blearily across the bed.

Ville lay curled up in a ball, under all the blankets, on the other side of the bed. He looked warm and peaceful, the moonlight streaming through the window easily showing his content, sleeping face.

Well, if Bam had to be awake, so did his lover. He scooted across the bed, managing to get the edge of the covers out from underneath Ville, slowly pulling them away from his slim form. Seeing gooseflesh rise on pale skin, he smirked a bit.

"Mmph," Ville muttered, hand reaching out for the blankets. "Bammie, 's cold." He rolled over, still mostly asleep, trying to snuggle closer to that warmth that was Bam. "Get me warm," he demanded sleepily, smiling a bit when warmth moved closer.

Taking the invitation, Bam decided he would skip warm altogether, and go straight for getting Ville hot. He leaned close, brushing his lips over Ville's neck, mouthing over chilly skin. Once he was sure the other man had gotten used to the contact, he grinned and sank his teeth into soft flesh.

Ville gasped softly, hips jerking into Bam's waiting hand involuntarily. He groaned as a hot tongue soothed over the injured skin briefly before teeth came down again, this time where his neck met his shoulder. After just two hard bites, he felt need stiffening his cock and pressed harder into his lover's hand.

Snickering as a wet kiss was placed on his eyebrow, Bam glanced up to see Ville's eyes still shut. He let the singer mouth over his face, seeking out his lips. Pulling away as a probing tongue almost went up his nose, he made a face. "It's easier if you open your eyes, dumbass."

"Shut the fuck up and kiss me." Ville waited for lips to come crashing down on his own, hands drifting over Bam's body, picking out tattoos and scars. He pulled closer, grinding their hips together. A low curse slipped past his lips as Bam pulled away. "Where the hell are you going?"

Bam just smirked, propping himself halfway up on one elbow. "Just over here, ya big baby. If you'd open your eyes-"

"Too bright out."

"Babe, it's like, four am. It's definetely not bright out."

"You woke me up at four am?" Ville cried, finally opening his eyes to glare. "What the hell for?"

"You stole all the blankets," Bam responded calmly. "So I thought you should wake up and make it up to me."

Putting his hands over his eyes, Ville sighed. "Well, then get over here and fuck me already. Wake me up at four in the fucking morning, start biting me and getting me all hard and then you don't even- Oh, holy shit!"

Bam watched with satisfaction as Ville nearly arched up off the bed. He released the bruised nipple from between his teeth. "You done?"


"Good." Lowering his head again, Bam nipped a trail down Ville's chest. He knew exactly what biting did to the naked Finn writhing beneath him, and alternated teasing love bites with hard bites that almost broke skin. Scratching blunt nails down Ville's sides, he ran his teeth over one sharp hipbone.

"Harder, Bam." Ville ran a hand through his hair, hissing in pain and pleasure as Bam's sharp teeth sunk into his inner thigh. He half lifted his hips, wanting that hot mouth to close over his dripping cock and suck him into oblivion.

Bam felt an evil grin twist his lips and leaned down to let his warm breath wash over Ville's dick. he teasingly brushed his lips over one side, then skimmed his teeth lightly up the shaft. His lover twitched under his touch, becomming almost impossibly harder as a loud cry was ripped from his throat.

"God, Bam, if you don't suck me or fuck me or something right this second I'm going to explode." Ville slung his legs over Bam's shoulders, tugging him down for a desperate, biting kiss. "Fuck me hard, Bam. I want to feel you all day tomorrow."

"How hard?"

"As hard as you can."

Smirking again, Bam snatched lube and a condom from the nightstand, preparing himself quickly. He reached down to position himself, slowly, slowly pushing the tip of himself into Ville's body. "How hard?"

"As hard as you want!" Ville gasped as Bam filled him with one swift, hard thrust. "Oh, god, yes," he breathed, tilting his hips to bring him even deeper. "Harder," he insisted as Bam slid out and slammed into him again.

Settling into a quick, hard rhthym, Bam moved in and out, in and out. He slapped Ville's hand away from his cock. "No. I don't want you to come until I'm through." Thrusting up deep, he buried himself to the hilt. "Fuck, you're so tight."

Ville gripped his lover's forearms, bringing his hips up to meet each thrust. "Oh, shit, Bam, that's it... Break me in two, baby, fucking impale me..." He knew Bam wouldn't last long at this pace, and for once was thankful. He wasn't sure how long he could last, either.

With a low growl, Bam moved his hips like pistons, knowing Ville would have bruises come morning. He cupped Ville's ass, pulling him closer, feeling skin stretch to the point of nearly breaking. "Is that hard enough for you? Huh?"

"No, more. Please, god, Bammie, harder! Hurt me," Ville begged, throwing his head back and moaning loudly as Bam pounded into him hard enough to jar his teeth. "Hurt me, baby, bite me. Make me bleed."

Tossing sweat damp hair from his eyes, Bam gritted his teeth and went as hard as he could. His fingers dug into Ville's legs, nails cutting into pale flesh. He felt the heat coil in his lower belly, spiraling outward in ever growing circles. As he exploded inside his lover's tight ass, he turned his head and bit down hard on his calf, feeling blood ooze over his tongue.

Howling like a banshee, Ville writhed and thrashed whilst Bam emptied himself inside him. "Ohmigodgonnacome," he managed, lust slurring it into one word. He felt his legs fall to the bed and a hot wet warmth close around his straining cock just as he started to spill.

Bam swallowed around Ville's length, feeling his come slide down his throat. He bit down not quite gently, just below the head. He smiled as Ville screamed, clawing at the sheets, arching up until only his head and toes touched the mattress.

Coming harder than he ever had in his life, Ville felt like his entire body was turning inside out and shooting into Bam's mouth. He was left gasping for breath, his whole body buzzing pleasently, still seeing stars flicker across his vision. "BamBam..."

Pressing the inhaler into the outstretched hand, Bam kept his distance, waiting for Ville to come down. "Damn, baby. That was fucking awesome!"

"What on earth possessed you to bite my cock!?"

" complaining?"

"Fuck, no. Just wondering why the hell it took you so long to think of it..."
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