(no subject)

Mar 09, 2006 17:09

Title: Juvenile
Rating: R to NC 17 (Drug references and naughty language, and eventually some suggestive themes.)
Authors : Okay, disregard everything you know about both Bam and Ville. This story is a little fucked up, but hey, I make it work! I just had what too much time to think in school last week so I came up with this. Don't kill me for my sucky writing.
Summary: Ville is a seventeen year old boy who goes to school at the local penitentiary as a result of being too much of a delinquent for the other schools to handle. He's got a knack for attracting trouble and isn't very good at keeping himself out of it. Bam on the other hand, is a sixteen year old boy who attends a local Catholic School. He's never in trouble, gets straight A's, and doesn't play pranks on anyone. The day emerald eyes lock with cerulean blue, these two boys flip each others worlds upside down.
Disclaimer: The usual applies. I OWN NOTHING DAMMIT! NO BAM! NO VILLE! NONE OF THE CHARACTERS IN THIS STORY! DO YOU THINK THAT IF I OWNED ANYONE I'D BE SITTING ON MY ASS WRITING THIS FOR YOU? I THINK NOT! Except Tony. I own Tony. Oh yes, that I do. Well, okay, so Ami and Valerie own Tony. Yeah, I know, I don't own shit. :(

As we all made a break for the back door, Tony move a little too fast, knocking one of the spinning glass cases that sat on top of the counter over. It shattered immediately. We all tried to get out even faster then, most of us made it out of the back door and into the alley behind the store, except for Jussi.

One of his hoop earrings had come lose and fell onto the floor. On his way down to pick it up, Jussi didn't notice the shard of broken glass on the edge of the counter top, and had brushed is hand against it.

He picked up his earring yelping "MOTHER FUCKER." and stormed out of the store. I wish he noticed that piece of glass because it would have stopped that drop of blood from hitting the carpet.

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~Ville's POV~

We ran like hell through a series of back alleys in order to avoid getting caught. By the time we reached Linde's house (it was the closest place we could go for cover) I was gasping for breath. I drove my hand fiercely into my pocket and brought out my inhaler. I took a few shaky puffs and pocketed it again. Lily had already unlocked the door and lead us in. His parents weren't home.

"You guys are welcome to stay the night if you'd like." He said.

We all nodded our heads in thanks. I looked at Linde.

"Can I use your phone?"

"Sure its over on the island in the kitchen."

I thanked linde again and made my way to the phone. If I didn't call mom then she'd freak out on me when I got home the next day. It was late, Lily's parents were out at one of their little social clubs, and no one had enough energy to drink or mess around. So we all ended up falling asleep.

Gas on the couch & Burton on the love seat. Tony also slept in the living room on the recliner. Lily slept in his room, and Mige had to share the guest bed with me. Jussi & Jyrki cuddled up next to each other on the floor of the guest room with at least three blankets. We were asleep in a matter of minutes.

[The Next Day]

We were all sitting on Linde's porch talking about whether or not we'd get caught, when the paper boy tossed the days news onto the lawn. Jyrki left his spot next to Tony on the porch swing, to go get the newspaper. He picked it up and stared at the front page for about ten minutes, and then walked up to us. Staring grimly, Jyrki tossed the days news into my lap.
I glanced down at the front page to find the source of his disappointment. My eyes got wide at the very first article:


The local police chief investigator has been searching the crime scene at Mac's jewelers for evidence of a crime that seemed to have occurred in the early hours of the morning between the hours of 12 PM and 1 AM.

We asked Chief Alice Burgess what had been discovered in the search, she replied:

"There appears to be a minor source of evidence that may lead to the suspect of this crime. I am going to have a team of forensic scientist investigate what looks to be a small drop of blood on the carpet of the jewelry store."

The journalists also asked how the chief had noticed such a tiny piece of evidence. Her answer?

"The carpet was white. If you stood next to the area of shattered glass, you can easily tell there is a small red stain on the floor."

The article was longer but I didn't dare to read any farther. Jussi, who was reading the paper from over my shoulder mumbled a series of finnish curses, that everyone but Tony could understand. I looked up at the agitated finn "What are we going to do?"

"Well.....it'll probably take a day or two for the forensics results to come back." Mige offered. Jussi was still glaring at the paper.

~Bam's POV~

I walked to school with Ryan as usual. We sat in our side by side seats in English, and had lunch at our usual outside table. Only it was during lunch that something amusing actually happened. I glanced over at the penitentiary and saw a set of state police cars pull up in front of the school. I wondered what they were doing there. I knew it couldn't be good.

The police had remained inside the penitentiary for a good twenty minutes, before bringing out a tall boy with spiky hair and huge hoop earrings. He looked as if he were swearing under his breath.

They assisted the cuffed boy into the police car, and drove off. That was odd. Okay, so I guess I was expecting something like that to occur, but never had I watched it happen. Then my mind flashed back to this morning, when I leaned over my dad's shoulder to get a look at the days paper. The front page had an article about a theft.

Maybe the boy they took had something to do with it. I just turned back to eating my lunch. Why should I be worried about it?

Later that afternoon, when the school bell rang, I grabbed my skateboard from my locker. Ryan wasn't walking home with me today, so I was just going to skate. When I left the gates to the schoolyard, the green-eyed boy with the leather jacket walked up to me.

"Hey, you."

Srry 4 spelling errors, I couldnt get a beta

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