Fortress of Tears Chp. 2

Feb 27, 2006 23:09

Title: Fortress of Tears (special thanks to raine_insane for the title *gives them a cookie*)
Pairing: Vam
Summary: just read and find out
Disclaimer: if i owned Ville or Bam do you think i would waste my time with this story?

Chapter 2

Prince Jussi sat at the head of his table in the Great Hall awaiting the arrival of his royal advisers. Four leather-clad men entered the room and gathered around the prince’s table. Prince Jussi’s adviser’s were known as some of the most vile, and evil men in the land.

First there was the kingdom’s sheriff, Timo, who enforced laws with an iron fist. If a person was caught committing even the simplest crime, like stealing a turnip, he would have the culprit and their family executed. Next there was the palace’s dungeon master Archize. He was known widely for his cruelty to prisoners and the various tortures he would inflict. His personal favorite was known as The Keep Torture.

The Keep Torture was undoubtedly one of the worst forms of tortures ever created. A victim would be fixed with iron nails to a cage and the door would be shut forever. There were small openings in The Keep just big enough for hungry birds to eat whatever they could. The defenseless victim, having nothing his arms tied with a rope, had nothing better to do than to hysterically watch the birds, and other animals, eat him alive.

Another one the prince’s advisers was his main general Baize. A fierce warrior who would spare no one in battle. And then there was Prince Jussi’s closest adviser, the archduke Jyrki.

“Gentlemen,” the dark prince began, “I have called you hear on this day to seek your wisdoms. Our negotiations with King Jonne have failed. He continually denies offers to hand over his kingdom peacefully. My friends, I believe it is time to take it by force.” Jussi yelled while banging his fists on the table for emphasis.

“Begging your pardon my lord,” Timo spoke up, “but you already control 95% of the land. Is it really a necessity to take over this land too.”

“You dare to question my judgment?!”

“ my lord. You misunderstand me. I only mean to ask what a ruler with your awesome power would want with a tiny kingdom that is already in poverty.” Timo answered cowering in his chair.

“Sheriff Timo raises a point my lord. What is there to gain from such a small kingdom. The villagers can not even afford to pay their taxes.” Archize said.

“Gentleman this has nothing to do with land or money. It is about power and control. And it is about time that King Jonne learns that I am the one with both.”
“What are you suggesting that we do my lord?” Baize asked.

“I want you and your men to lead a full scale attack on the kingdom and it’s surrounding village.” Jussi replied. “Kill all of the men. Take whatever you and your men please. Just make sure that Jonne is captured and brought back to me.”

“As you wish my lord.” Bazie said.

“How soon can you and your men lead the attack?” Jyrki asked.

“I can have my men ready within the hour.”

“Perfect,” Jussi said with a large grin on his face. “Go and prepare them.”

As the me got up to leave, Bazie turned back and asked, “My lord, when you say that we may take whatever we please, does that include the townspeople?”

“Yes take whatever you want.” Jussi replied.

“Thank you my lord. My men shall ride off shortly. And I vow that by the end of this day, the reign of King Jonne will be no more.”



The force of Bam’s kiss knocked Ville down to the ground, giving Bam the perfect opportunity to pin him. Ville opened his mouth to let a moan escape and allowing Bam’s tongue entrance. Soon Ville was finding it hard to breath so he pushed Bam off of him and gasped for air.

“I’m sorry. I should not have done that. Please don’t hate me Ville. Please.” Bam said on the verge of crying.

Ville let out a slight chuckle. “Do not be sorry Bam. That was wonderful. But I do require air darling.”

Bam blushed and sat back down next to Ville. “Ville, I cannot believe that I waited so long to reveal my feelings for you. I have been a fool for hiding it so long. I’m sorr---”

His words were cut off by Ville pressing his fingers to his lips. “My love do not be sorry for anything. We have both been foolish for keeping our feelings a secret. Bammi I love you so much. My life is not worth living without you.”

“Oh Ville. I love you too. Everyday it pained me not having you.” Bam said allowing a single tear to fall from his eyes.

“Bammi, my darling, you have always had me and you always will.” Ville said pouncing on top of Bam. Ville smothered Bam with a deep, passionate kiss.

Bam rolled Ville onto his back, grinning with the thought of his fantasies coming true. Bam broke his kiss with Ville and slowly started making his way down to Ville’s neck. Bam started peppering his skin with feather kisses and suddenly bit down so hard on his collar bone, that the metallic taste of blood pushed pass his lips.

“Ahhh…” Ville screamed arching his back.
“I’m sorry Ville did I hurt you?” Bam asked, his eyes growing wide with concern.

“Yes you did. Please do it again.” Ville said smiling.

Bam smiled back and quickly obeyed, biting down hard on Ville’s porcelain skin. Ville moaned in a mixture of pain and pleasure as Bam pulled Ville’s shirt over his head. Tossing it to the side, Bam pressed his lips to Ville’s chest and trailed slowly down his body, stopping of course to tweak at Ville’s nipple.

“Bammi, my darling?”

“Yes my love?” Bam asked.

“Make love to me. Please? I want you inside of me.” Ville gasped with desperation.

Bam, already dealing with an increasingly painful erection, wasted no time in removing his clothes and Ville’s pants. Bam engulfed Ville with another passionate kiss as his fingers reached Ville’s entrance. Slowly, making sure not to hurt his love, Bam pushed one finger inside of Ville. He winced in slight pain and Bam quickly removed his digit.

“Do not stop. Please I need you.”

“I just don’t want to hurt you, my love. I would rather die than hurt you.”

“You will not hurt me. Now please make love to me.”

Bam obeyed and inserted his finger into Ville’s tight entrance. Pumping it in an out, he jabbed another finger inside and began to scissor Ville. Ville winced as the pain grew into extreme pleasure.

“Bam I’m ready. Please?”

“Are you sure?” Bam asked concerned

“Yes. Yes now please Bammi.” Ville pleaded.

Bam carefully positioned himself at Ville’s hole and slowly began to push himself in. Ville let out a small gasp and Bam quickly pulled out. He was about to ask Ville if he was alright, but he felt Ville’s legs wrap around his waist pulling him closer. Again Bam began to slowly push himself in. Too slowly for Ville’s taste. He pulled on Bam again, causing him to fully enter Ville.

Ville let out a loud moan as the pain rushed through him. Slowly, though, it gave way to great pleasure and Ville nodded for Bam to continue. Bam began to pump in and out of Ville, taking extreme precaution so he wouldn’t hurt his angel.

“Damn it Bam, I’m not going to break.” Ville said digging his nails into Bam’s side.

“Alright, if that is what you want.” Bam said and then slammed hard into Ville.

Ville screamed with pleasure as Bam hit his perfect spot. Bam slammed again into Ville’s prostate. He was so close to the edge, he could feel it. He reached down and placed a firm grip on Ville’s throbbing cock. He quickly began to jerk Ville off, hoping that he would cum before him.

Bam held on as long as he could, slamming over and over again into Ville. Finally Ville began to leak his creamy white liquid onto Bam’s hand and Bam was able to release himself deep inside of Ville.

Bam collapsed on top of Ville, gasping for air. Ville threw his arm over Bam and pulled his sweaty face up to his. He pulled him into another kiss and tangled his fingers in Bam’s hair. Breaking away from the kiss, Bam rolled over to his side so he could lay next to his lover. They sat there holding each other in silence, wishing that this moment of bliss could last forever.

Suddenly their silence was broken by a loud, piercing scream.

Ville and Bam looked at each other and Ville said, “What was that.”
i know its long. sry but i was in a creative mood.

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