Title: The War Inside My Head
Pairing: Vam
Genre: AU
Rating: TBD…most likely strong R
Summary: Bam is an American. That is, he was an American - until he moved to Finland and became a citizen. When war breaks out between Russia and Finland he is cast into the brutal battle between the feuding countries, forced to join the Finnish army or face death for treason.
Part A Chapter 8 Part B
Ville was shaken awake yet again. He’d been awaken too many times that week, if you asked him. Stretching, he wordlessly crawled to Bam’s side. He leaned down so his lips just brushed the man’s ear and whispered, “Bam…wake up.” Bam stirred, his eyelids fluttering. Gas moved over next to him and gently scooped him up. In the man’s arms, Bam looked like a broken doll, bruises and cuts coloring his face. Although he had some facial injury, Ville had fared much better than him. Linde moved to the front of the group, jiggling the doorknob. As expected, it was locked. He inserted the key into the lock and turned the knob; the door opened noiselessly. They crept out, one by one, and Linde locked the door behind them.
“Okay.” He whispered. “How do we get out?”
“I think you go that way.” Ville pointed down a dark corridor. They went in that direction, silently going down the many flights of stairs, unlocking and locking doors. Once or twice a soldier had stalked past and they’d had to hide, but they made it to the ground floor with relative ease. Linde stopped and stroked his chin.
“There’s gotta be an alarm…or something. Should we just make a run for it?” he asked, turning to them. Gas shook his head.
“Tripping the alarm isn’t good. We need to get out unnoticed so we have a few hours head start.” He set Bam on his feet and Ville grabbed him, supporting his weight. His arms wrapped around Bam’s torso, careful of his ribs, and stroked his back soothingly. Gas went over to the exit, running his hands up and down the walls. His tongue was caught between his teeth in concentration.
“Aha.” He said, grinning triumphantly. Pulling a thin blade out of his pants, he cut a wire invisible to the careless eye. He motioned for them to come over. Bam and Ville shuffled towards him while Linde strode over.
“Gas.” He hissed. “Why didn’t you tell us you had the knife in the first place?”
“Ehh…” Gas shrugged sheepishly. Linde slid the key into the lock and, holding his breath, turned the knob. He winced, predicting the shrill cry of the alarm, but none came. Opening the door only wide enough for them to fit through, he locked it behind them. Once on the outside, Lily let out a breath.
“Phew….glad that’s over.”
Gas raised a finger to his lips. “We still need to get to the woods.” He pointed across the huge field that surrounded the fort to the large forest. Luckily for the group, trees dotted the landscape, making it easy for them to sneak past the large watch towers overlooking the plain. They darted into the forest as one, Gas once again holding Bam in his arms. They trekked for hours, furthering themselves from the Russian fort, until they came to land that looked familiar.
“Hell. It’s Fort Horna. No one’s here.” Lily said, looking around at the abandoned tents.
“Remember? We were headed to Fort Kirottu when we were captured.” Ville said. He held out his arms to Gas, indicating that he would carry Bam. Holding him bridal style, he said, “Night guys.” He went over to one of the tents and pushed Bam in, following. Linde turned to Gas.
“Guess it’s bedtime.” He wandered off to a tent a little bit away from Bam and Ville and crawled in. Gas found one and went into his.
Ville laid Bam down, curling up next to him.
“Are we okay?” Bam mumbled, turning to snuggle closer to Ville.
“Yes, darling, we escaped. Now get your rest. You’ll need it.” He smiled wickedly.
“Okay.” Bam murmured sleepily, before drifting off. Ville slept, the smile still on his face.