Summer Breeze - Ch. 10

Feb 19, 2006 13:52

Title: Summer Breeze

Chapter: Ten

Rating: Let's just say R because it always ends up that way eventually!

Disclaimer: Unfortunately I do not know or own any of these lovely men but the story is my own.

Summary: Ville vacations for the summer in the US and meets a nice surprise.

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten
--- Same time, same place as previous chapter (car w/Adrian) --- Ville

I closed my eyes as memories of my relationship with Adrian flashed through my mind.

I remembered when we'd first met. I was only 20 at the time, I had gone out for a drink with some friends and I saw Adrian sitting down at the edge of the bar with a couple of people surrounding him. I couldn't see him very well, but I heard a man with a thick Russian accent and everyone around him was cheering and laughing. One of them moved out of the way and I saw him with a shot of Sambuca. He lit the drink on fire and did something that I'd seen very few people do in my life - drink it while it was still lit. He tipped his head back and poured it down his throat before the flaming drink heated the glass too much. When he finished, he slammed the shot glass down on the counter and raised a hand, pretending to bow. He glanced over at me and flashed me his irresistible smile when he saw me laughing at his trick.

Normally I found that sort of thing cocky and not amusing, but with him, something was different. He wasn't doing it to show off. He was doing it because he was that type of person. He was vibrant and lively. Everyone loved him. Everywhere I went with him after that, he always ended up with a crowd of people around him. And I loved it. I loved being the one that he had his arm around while he waived his hand around the table, ordering drinks for everyone. We would go back to his apartment, stumble in drunkenly and fall over each other on the couch. He would tear my clothes off; unbutton my jeans with his teeth - everything that was so amazing and exciting when I was that young.

At first I didn't know where all of his money came from, and then after time, I found out that the cocaine that we had been doing, was coming from him. It wasn’t just going to us, but he also dealt it to the entire party scene that we were involved with. After a while, we both became too strung out on blow, too hung over from drinking, and too jaded by the scene. The day that he told me he was moving to Russia was after a night of countless lines and shots. I could barely comprehend what he was saying and I was so angry at him anyway that part of me was just wishing he'd leave. When he asked me to go, I told him no. I didn't ask any questions and he just left.

We now sat in the back of his car, as we had so many times before, years ago. Except for some reason, my mind couldn't feel the intensity of how awful things had gotten between us. My heart ached from my recent encounter with Bam and Adrian seemed saintly for rescuing me in my time of need.

"What…" I asked, "What could possibly have us be… together again?"

His bright red lips parted slightly and he slid his tongue across his top one slowly, trying not to smudge his lipstick. He took a deep sigh and began to speak, "There are things that you didn’t know. Your friends - they made me keep something from you. They wanted you to be young and make your own decisions. Out of respect for you, I obliged and promised them I wouldn't tell you what was… really going on."

"What do you mean 'what was really going on'?"

"You really think that I wanted to leave you Ville?"

I bit my lip, "I don't fucking know Adrian. Things were getting so fucked up. I mean, we were always fucked up. The people. The coke… Adrian I-"

"I don't do that anymore… just for the record," he said smiling shyly.



"But still I -"

"Ville! Listen!" he said, leaning his head back against the seat of the car, "I didn't leave you to, well, leave you. I left because…. I left because my brother was dying. He had been in a hospital for months in Russia; there was nothing that they could do to save him. He had very little time left and I had to go."

His words hit me like a hammer to my chest. I coughed momentarily, as I struggled to catch my breath.

"I didn't want to leave you… not at all. Dimitri was dying… I had no other choice. Your friends said that if I told you, you would be guilt stricken and feel that you had to come with me. So they said let love decide. When you said no, I didn't think that it would be out of frustration… I thought that when you said no, your love must have not been strong enough to want to come with me."

Tears started to flow from my eyes and I fell into Adrian's chest. He whispered softly, "Things will be fine now." His long fingers ran through my hair and he twisted the strands playfully, weaving them in his hand. My heart raced and my mind flooded with thoughts. Thoughts of heartbreak, thoughts of love, thoughts of relief, thoughts of pain, thoughts of the past, and now… thoughts of the future

I sat up, "Adrian, I want you to spend the summer with me."

He chuckled, "Where?"

"Here. In America. I can't go back there alone, and I can't leave. I promised them that we'd spend a relaxing summer here in the states… what better way to spend it, than with you?" I said, smiling while holding his cold hands in mine.

"I'd love to."

"Great. Tell your driver to turn around; we're going back to my summer house."

"Ville - what about your friends?"

"What about them? They were never angry with you. Even Linde said that he always liked you, he said that you were a wonderful person, but that you just headed in the wrong direction."

Adrian cocked his head to the side, "Am I going the right way now?"

"Yes," I said with a grin spreading across my face, "Yes, Adrian. You are."

--- Same time, Summer house --- Bam

I sat in the same place that I had for hours now. I couldn't sleep, eat, move or think. So I just sat, and stared. I knew that I should've done more to stop Ville. Why hadn't I?

I heard tires crunching over the dirt and gravel driveway. I immediately jumped up, hoping to see Ville stepping out of a taxi. And I saw Ville, stepping out of a car, but it wasn't a taxi. It was a large, black luxury car. He stepped out, and someone else followed him. I knew instantly who it was. The man was as tall as Ville, wearing a full length black leather jacket. His blonde hair fell below his shoulders, and his slender fingers ended with sharp nails that gripped Ville's hand as they walked into the house. I couldn't see his eyes, because they were hidden behind dark sunglasses, but his full, red lips smiled in excitement as they approached the steps of the porch.

I froze where I was standing as I saw the door handle turn from the inside and then slowly open. Ville walked into the room laughing with Adrian and then looked me. His stare was cold and unforgiving.

"Oh - hi Bam," he said calmly.

"Ville - I. You need to know that it wasn't what you thought it was. It wasn't like that. I -"

"Bam stop. You're making a fool of yourself. Now, if you'd excuse me, I'd like to show Adrian the summer house," he said, as he stepped out of the doorway and motioned for me to leave.

I opened my mouth to protest, but didn't bother. I lowered my head and lock of curly hair fell into my eyes. I blinked a few times, grabbed my coat and left. I walked out the door and vowed to not look back. I knew what stood behind me and I didn't want to see it.


Alright, I know - so angsty! Don't worry... the fic will not turn from being something so happy and light hearted to ending so dreary and angry :) Just be patient. Sorry it took me a little while for the update. Yet again, that whole real life thing is interfering with Vam writing ;) So yeah - comments please!
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