Vam City...I made a fort!

Feb 19, 2006 00:54

Last night my friend and I made a fort..and it had a sign that said Vam City...i'm weird...and obsessed..but maybe it's because i love you people so much! I read pretty much everything that comes through here and i love every bit of it! Thought I'd let you know!

You Made Me: Tell You What I Think
Vam..or something like it.
PG-15 for those things that this usually says
Raab's POV...I'm a risk taker
Don't Know, Don't Own, Never Happened. says Raab's POV...I decided to try it..and as of right now...i have nothing written for the next your sakes let's hope the Fizz powers something out huh?

Previous Chapter's behind the cut by the way..

I apologize for the strangeness that's to follow...but I'm trying to be unique.

I wake up earlier than normal. I drank so fucking much last night it’s not even funny. I think I heard someone tramping down the stairs this morning like a fucking horse. I wonder idly if it was you or it was Dunn. He’d be an asshole and try to wake me up. He knew I’d have a hangover..I always have one. I get a beer from the fridge and go outside. It’s going to be a nice day I think. Maybe we’ll do something stupid today, fuck shit up, just like we used to.

Usually I wouldn’t think anything of someone lying in the driveway, but that’s because you used to throw wild parties every other night. But we haven’t done that in a while. I walk over slowly and see that it’s you. Damn Bam. How long have we been friends? For a long fucking time. I’ve never seen you like this. I shake you and you don’t even stir. You’re alive though. You have to be. I get up and run in the house, yelling.

“Yo! Somebody come help me! Wake up assholes!” Rushing steps came down the stairs.

“Raab? What the hell is it?”

“Wonder Boy’s passed out cold in the driveway.”

DiCamillo found some smelling salts somewhere and we wake you up. Your eyes are bloodshot and you cough.

“What the fuck?” You scratch out. You caught a cold while you were passed out.

“Welcome back Captain Driveway.” I said showing the digital camera Brandon used to take a picture of him with.

“What the hell was I doing outside?”

“That’s what I want to know, you haven’t been out of your room in a week. Your mom’ll be psyched.” You turn over on the couch.

“Shouldn’t you be drinking or something?”

“Shouldn’t you be in Finland or something?” You turn back over and punch me. Fucking hell, right in the jaw. Damn it. “Get off your fucking high horse. Nobody cares anymore.” I hiss at you before getting up and getting another beer. Drowning both our sorrows in alcohol isn’t a bad fucking idea.

Yes....He's okay...see...

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