(no subject)

Feb 17, 2006 18:36

Title: Choices
Author: Me
Pairing: Vammy
Disclainer: I don’t won shit so :p
Info: Its choose your own adventure time again. I had fun last time so I’m starting a new one. It will last as long as there is interest. I’m always open for suggestions. To vote put a comment on which way you want the story to go. The one with the most votes wins. If there is a tie I will flip a coin. Have fun!

Chapter 5

Chapter 4 http://community.livejournal.com/__vam/1400999.html#cutid1
*hugs* to hardrock69 and amaroqwolf_inc
Ville stood up. His eyes dark and menacing. He swiftly knocked the phone out of her hands and sent it flying across the room. “I want you out.”

“But this is my home. You can’t just kick me out. Where will I go?” Her eyes started to tear up. She was silently pleading with Ville to make him understand.

“Go to your parents, go to your friends I do not care. This is MY home. I paid for it. Your just an out of work has been.”

This sent Jonna into a tail spin. She was sobbing openly now and mumbling about how unfair life was.

“I’ll be back tonight and expect you and your stuff to be gone.” He slammed the front door closed behind him. Even after all the drama that had just occurred he felt better then he had in months. A weight was now gone. He looked down at his ring finger. Yet another mark of the past he would have to cover up. Another permanent mark of the past.

“A euro for your thoughts?”

Ville looked up and into the bright blue eyes of Bam. How did he have such impeccable timing? Always showing up right when he was needed.

“Is everything alright?” Bam voice was filled with concern. He felt nervous after what happened earlier in the café. He shifted his right foot in the dirt like that of a child.

“It will be.” Ville’s eye throbbed and he wished that he would have grabbed his glasses on the way out. Instead he decided to release Bam of his. “I’ve given her until tonight to vacate.”

“I see.” Bam stood there for a second and then an evil grin spread across his face. “Want me to shit in her gas tank?”

Ville choked up as he started to laugh. The Bam he knew and loved once again coming to the rescue.

“So sense you’re free till tonight what do you want to do?”

Ville thought for a moment.

What does Ville want to do?
Go have that talk with Seppo
Spend the time with Bam

Remember Comments = Oxygen
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