(no subject)

Feb 09, 2006 17:08

Okay, I decided to update, though I didn't feel like it. 'M having a bad month so everything sucks right now. Maybe March will be better if I survive Feb.

A/N: this is my last Beta'd chapter right now so it might be awile until the next update. Hopefully not too long. Also kudos go to morhine300mg because she's a really good friend.

parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15

Bam wound up to throw the phone at the wall and was surprised to feel it yanked out of his hand before he could take his frustration out on it.

“Bam, this one’s not yours to break,” Joe Frantz said, pocketing the small device.

Bam glared at the other man before storming off outside, not able to deal with the man. It had been over a week and a half since Ville had left and Bam’s mood had gone from unsociable to down right unlivable. He had broken his own mobile the day before after yelling into it for ten minutes at a poor secretary who really didn’t understand why he was being cussed out.

Bam leaned against the wall next to the door and glowered at the world, daring someone to approach him. He was in the mood for a fight and in the mood to get drunk, and the two together weren’t going to end well for him but he was past the point of caring.

Shakily, he pushed away from the wall as he heard his name being called. What the fuck was wrong now? He found the owner of the voice a block away, unmistakable with his dark clothes and pale skin, deep voice yelling out over the sounds of traffic. Bam felt his bad mood vanish as he saw Ville coming towards him, dodging other people on the crowded sidewalk and waving to Bam as he walked. Finally the singer was in front of Bam, his had linked with the hand of a young brunette and Bam felt his stomach drop as he realised that the girl was with Ville.

“Bammie, this is Jonna, my fiancée. Jonna, this is Bam, he’s a good friend and he’s directing the video, you remember, I told you about him?”

Jonna looked at Bam appraisingly, extending a hand to shake. “It is nice to meet you, Bam, Ville has told me much about you.”

Bam stared at her hand for a moment, too stunned to react. He noticed Ville’s curious gaze and quickly reached out, taking Jonna’s hand, giving it a quick shake. “Well, I have a meeting I’m supposed to be at right now so I’ll see you later Ville, Jonna.” He nodded to both of them in farewell and quickly turned, heading down the sidewalk toward the hotel. He couldn’t take this, it was too much to handle.

Bam couldn’t get Jonna out of his head as he walked to the hotel. He couldn’t believe Ville had never mentioned her before and it made Bam feel dirty, used, to know that Ville had such a lovely girl waiting at home for him while he was fucking Bam.

Bam stripped off his clothes as soon as he entered his suite, going straight into the bathroom and turning on the shower, turning the heat up until it felt like the water would sear the flesh from his bones. Bam wanted the memory of Ville’s touches to leave him, wanted all evidence of the singer to be cleansed from his body and he spent far longer than usual under the water scrubbing viciously at his skin until it was raw and red and sore. He wouldn’t look in the mirror or at his own body as he dried off and dressed, knowing that if he did he would see the tattoos now permanently inked into him that served as a reminder of his mistakes.

When Bam was done in the shower, he stretched out on his unmade bed, not caring as the air conditioning cooled his damp skin until he was cold. He was always cold, it seemed, around Ville. Of course, that was fitting; it appeared that the singer was an animated block of ice himself, able to cheat on his fiancée without a second thought. Able to capture Bam’s heart and smash it and apparently not realise or care. Bam sighed, he needed to snap out of it, he had known from the start that getting involved with Ville was a bad idea and he hadn’t paid attention, he should just forget the whole thing, call Joe and quit and go home to West Chester. The problem was that when Bam thought of West Chester he saw Jenn in his mind, and when he thought of Jenn he remembered how wrong it felt to be with her and how right it felt to be with Ville. Bam also knew he would never let personal feelings impede business and he knew he was stubborn enough to stick it out no matter how much it hurt, so instead of rolling over and grabbing the phone he got up, putting on new clothes and going out to the bar two blocks down where he had taken to spending his evenings.

Meh. Picture here.

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