The Mirror~ new fic

Feb 07, 2006 19:58

so yeah, pretty much all I have to say I will say.
Title: The Mirror
Rating: R-ish
Summary: really abstract, the idea came to me in the shower. It’s from a mirror in Bam’s room point of view, sometimes it’s best to take a step back and look with clear eyes
Dedication: My own Shaunzi B, who helps me take a clearer look at things
A/N: Read it please…. Another note at the end

I think perhaps I observe the most of anything. I am a mirror and it is my job to show people what they look like, but what I strive to do is to show people who they are. I am not magic, no spell was laid on me in my making. And yet, I am magic. I am a simple piece of glass backed with shiny stuff but I can show you anything as simple as what your hair looks like too the beauty hidden in the hearts of all mortals. To show someone who they truly are, that is a gift. I must observe my people to know them and observe I do. The one I watch the most is the blue-eyed one. I have seen him at his best and his worst and everywhere in between. I have also seen his women; the broken one who tried too hard and lost in the end and the gentle one. The gentle woman, she cares deeply for the blue-eyed one but she lets him do as he pleases. It is all for the best I think because his true happiness is not with the gentle one, he loves her, I can see this, but she is a dear friend and nothing more. Then we come to the green-eyed one, the cat man. It is strange to call him that but it is true. He moves and acts like the cats the blue-eyed one keeps. I see that the blue-eyed one is never truly alive until the green-eyed one is with him. They spend as much time together as they can, sometimes the green-eyed man is strumming a guitar and writing words on paper while the blue-eyed man watches and listens; other times they show each other how much they love one another. The love they make, it is sweet and gentle but there is an edge of desperation too it, like they never want to leave the comfort of one another’s arms. The world outside my own is large and cold and it freezes the souls of these two, but they always manage to find a way to melt the ice when they are together. They are lost and afraid, I can see it when they gaze at me. The blue-eyed man hides the edge of sorrow but it is there, I have seen it at it’s fullest so I have come to be able to see it always. The green-eyed man, he wears his sorrow in his eyes openly. Their sorrow always goes away when the look into one another’s eyes, almost all the way anyway. If I were a human, I would destroy the world that cuts them up so. There is a sense of protectiveness in my glassy depths and I wish only happiness for my blue-eyed man and my cat man. But happiness cannot be so for these to lovers, the world says no. Oh cold world, why can’t you let my mortals be happy? Their lives are so short, just give them a chance! I cannot weep for them because I am only glass but if I had a true heart, it would have shattered long ago from the pain I feel on the behalf of these two mortals. I think something might have changed though, as I observe them today. The blue-eyed one has given the cat man something, a pretty rosary of silver and faceted glass. It is a lovely thing and won’t be noticed by the world. The cat man has given the blue-eyed man a lovely silver bracelet inscribed with something. Ah, I see it now. It says in curling script, Minä rakastan sinua. A good, barely noticeable gift also. The world will not notice and I approve. Funny to think that I, a simple mirror, should give approval. The darkness comes and they make love and later, by the light of red and black candles, I think they have noticed me for the first time. They walk up and press their palms to me. I can feel the warmth of their flesh heating my glassiness. And as darkness suddenly envelopes all, the light of the candles is lost, I feel my soul emerging. Ahhh… the Queen has granted me a few hours of freedom. I am a faery long enough to counsel these two before I must become a simple mirror again. My mortals, love each other always and let the world see it. If the world tries to harm you, only ask and I shall come to you. I am a mere mirror until you have need of me, then I am allowed to return to my true form until you are safe again. What am I you ask? Some would call me a guardian angel or a kindly fairy. They are only partly right, I am a faery and a guardian but your desires created me and give me life. I will protect you always. The warmth has faded, I am glass again. A sheet of sheerness observing and waiting. Waiting for the day my mortals will need me though I hope that day never comes. Oh no, my children have been hurt. Their souls ripped in two. What are they doing? I see a razorblade slash the wrists of my blue-eyed man, then the wrists of the cat man. No, my children, please don’t! My Queen has released me again and given me the power I need. The wounds are gone, they wake up now. My children, you cannot follow Romeo and Juliet into eternity, the people that inhabit this earth still have need of you. They nod and cling to each other, tears turning their eyes into blue and green mirrors. I smile as I melt back into a sheet of glass. Do you believe now? I ask before my voice is lost until I can be free again.
Okay, what did everyone think? I know it’s a bit odd but I tried really hard! Comments are love and nourishment for my soul. And guess what? I believe. I need no proof either, I know pure love will find me one day.
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