Fic: Wherever I May Roam

Feb 02, 2006 20:55

OK... so i finally find the post it notes again... sorry fro making everyone wait... actually i'd be surprised should anyone actually read this still.... but i'll post it in a vain attempt for u to read... if i dnt post then defiantly no-one will read it... gotta be in it to win it aye :D

ok... so i'm rambeling... as i do very well :D

Untill i find more post it notes...


Title: Wherever I May Roam
Rating: M 15+
Pairing: Vam
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, never happened

She was just grinding me into the ground and it took me too long to work out what was between us was more then just friendship. Before I could tell you, you had run away.


Courtney was so determined to get rid of Ville. I didn’t understand what she had against him. After she had finished screaming at me, I sat down in the corner of the room with my arms folded. She walked over and plonked herself down onto my lap and whispered into my ear. Sometime I hate her so much, but for some stupid reason I played along. I sat there and let her talk to me. I let her whisper things into my ears and I let her lead me to my bed. I let her undress me and I let her enjoy herself. I fooled her into thinking I was enjoying it, when all I could think about was Ville. It was stressing me out so much. I collapsed onto the sweaty sheets and feel into a deep slumber, only waking up when the sun was shinning right into my eyes the next morning. I rolled out of bed trying not to wake the sleeping demon next to me. She was long past being the angelic being I once believed she was and I was tiring of being her ticket to fame. I headed downstairs, hoping to catch Ville so I could ask him how I could fix everything.

I poured myself a cup of coffee, something I very rarely drank, and plonked down on the couch, the cool of the material chilling me to my core. My eye’s wandered around the place. Something was missing and yet I couldn’t quite work out what it was.  It felt like I’d lost something. Something important and it wasn’t there anymore. My eyes ran over everything in the room trying to find what was different about the place. That was when I noticed some of Ville’s stuff had gone missing. It didn’t bother me again for 2 or 3 hours, but once Courtney decided to raise her ugly head, I went off in search of him. I really didn’t need to be found alone by Court. I knew she would go off again, and I could do nothing to stop her. I walked the hall up to Ville’s room and pushed open the door. The bed was made and everything was all neat and tidy. I couldn’t find his clothes or anything of his for that matter. It dawned on me that maybe he had done a runner during the night. I don’t know why, but I had the sudden urge to cry. I sat down on the bed and just let the tears run down my face. That’s how Courtney found me several hours later, alone in his room, tears running down my face, my head in my hands. The row that happened after she found me made everything fall into place.

“What the hell are you doing crying over that little shit for Bam? How come you can spend hours here in this empty room crying your eyes out like a little girl and yet you won’t spend 5 minutes in the same room as me unless your forced too!” Courtney was red with anger. She had chased me down the stairs and was yelling at me in the middle of the kitchen. “I knew it Bam, I just knew it. You and that little fuck are faggots!!!” That hit me in the face. I just got angrier and angrier until me face was bright red.

“Don’t you fucking insult Ville like that you little whore. The only reason you are still here is because I was blind and stupid and I didn’t see that you were simply sucking off my fame.”

“Get out of my house Bam, GET OUT!!!” She screamed back at me. I stood there for a second before what she had said really hit me.

“WHAT THE FUCK??? This is MY house! Don’t you fucking tell me to get out, you leave bitch. OUT!” How dare she try to kick me out? She had no right, it wasn’t hers, and we weren’t even married. Rolling here eyes at me, she turned around, going to make herself a coffee. “Didn’t you hear me? OUT!” I yelled it and the kitchen shook. My throat was stinging from screaming so loud but I didn’t care. As long as I saved myself, I didn’t care.

“Bammie, you don’t mean that.” She was trying to play coy. Her voice was soft and she flickered her eye lashes at me.

“The Fuck I don’t!!! GET OUT!” She smiled and turned back to her coffee. I was going insane, she was ignoring me and I was loosing it.

“You know that you really love me and you want me to stay.” She thought she was so good. I just wanted to wrap my arms around her throat until she turned blue. Without even knowing what I was doing, I had my hands on her neck. Giggling, she turned around and faced me.

“See, I always knew you loved….” She had started choking. My thumb was pressed down on her airway and she was struggling against it.

“Don’t fucking tell me what I want. Leave me the fuck alone. I am SICK of hearing you complain and bitch about everything I do. I’m never going to be good enough for you and I’m sick of it. I’m fucking sick of you Courtney. GET OUT OF MY LIFE!” I spat in her face. She was turning redder and redder. The air was trying to get out from her lungs and she really couldn’t breathe. Her nails flailed wildly around. She was scratching at my arm and hand, desperate to get me off her, desperate to make me let her breathe again.  The all of a sudden, she stopped. She stopped moving. She had fallen unconscious, but to me it looked as though I had killed her. Freaking out, I put her down on the floor and ran to the medicine cabinet. Pulling out bottles of pills, I downed every one with a large gulp of water. Finding my way back to the kitchen, I sat on the couch and waited for the drugs to take over my system.


He finally works up the courage to stand up to Courtney, and he goes and does something stupid like this. Bam’s mind works in mysterious ways…


There are two ways of finding previous Chapters... one is to dredge through the __Vam archives... the sumwhat easier option is to check out my writing journal vam_dependent where all chapters can be found... sorry for any inconvenience... i just cnt be bothered to pull up all the links for chapteres... takes a bit of time when they are all like... right there in Vam_Dependent... *big Hugs To Everyone*

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