Hello everyone! Chapter 9 arrives! (finally!) This one is a bit longer than the other ones, but I don’t think any of you will complain about that. (At least, I hope not) Only one more to go...... (sighs in relief) Oh, and to prolong your agony, I split this chappie in two. ::runs away, laughing like a maniac::
A/N: Thanks to
amaroqwolf_inc and
alatariel3 (who is also my beta for this chappie) for talking to me on messenger in the wee hours of the morning and encouraging me. Also
fear_of_light as well, for giving wonderful mental pictures of our newest plan to start a
Hott Finnish Zoo. Hehe.
(Oh, and slvr_slasher: RANDOM FRANTZ MOMENT!)
Chapter 1Chapter 2Chapter 3Chapter 4Chapter 5Chapter 6Chapter 7Chapter 8 (Chapter 9A) dun Dun DUN!!!!!!!! ::giggle:: You’re going to all kill me now aren’t you?
Comments = love
And for your enjoyment: A random messenger quote between myself and
morphine: Well, advanced English classes and Creative Writing had to rub off somehow, I guess.
alatariel: yeah, what else is school good for other than to make your slash better.