Internal Devistation CH. 12

Jan 24, 2006 02:44

Title: Internal Devistation CH.12
Pairing: VAAMM
Rating: G to NC-17 ( In ze later chaps )
Summary: Hm- I was never good at this. NEVER. Well, lovely Ville has a daughter from a previous, destructive relationship. An old friend takes him out for a round of drinks, and introduces him to someone that was to click him out of his depressive funk. Yaddah yaddah.
POV: Ville's
Disclaimer: Though we wish, it never happened. I know, depressing. I don't own Bam, or Ville. I don't own HIM, or any of the Jackass members. But I do own Ava, Christina, Aino, and Sami.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11

After sex was no longer present on our bodies, we turned off the shower and stepped out. Now we could see it was storming outside. And also that our clothes were yuck and we needed new ones. So guess who got elected to go get new ones? Me. Of course. Wrapping a towel around my waist, to hide myself from Ava, and to hide my icky fat cells. =/

I ran out the room to the bedroom, grabbing a pair of pajama bottoms for each of us, and a tanktop for myself. I had nothing to show without a shirt. Why flaunt my oversized stomach? Well. I returned to the bathroom, giving Bam the solid black bottoms, and keeping the tank top and black/ purple plaid ones for myself. Becaue purple was a cool color.

Bam slid off the sink to pull them on. I dropped my towel and put everything on quickly, "Goodd..why you gotta cover up so fast?" He smirked and walked over to me, "I was soo enjoying seeing your hot bod all wet and sparkly." It must have been a lie. I don't have a 'hot bod'. Uh oh. The lights flickered. I absolutely hate that. Lights flickering. Freaks me out so much.

"Uh.. sorry?" I shrugged and looked at the lights warrily. I didn't want to tell him to stop being so kind, I liked him saying nice things about me. But it bothered me how he always lied like that.

"Daw.." He sighed and put his arms around my torso, head on my chest. He was still dripping wet, making me wet. But do you think I cared? Nope. Not at all. I prefered him like this, holding me while wet, over having him across the room, and being dry. Eee-- the lights dimmed down and came back. Made me wrap my own pale arms around Bam, drawing him close. I felt safer with him near, "You will die in 7 days.." Bam whispered in a croaky voice, and I widened my eyes.

"Shut up!" I was an avid horror movie watcher, I absolutely adored the thrill of those sorts of films. They were my favorite. The only side effect is that, since I've been watching them since birth, I adopt a natural fear of them when applied to real scenarios. If that makes sense. I have hallucinations too from my overactive imagination. And having him say that just made me think Samarah was clutching to my chest about to rip me apart. But I still can't stop watching them. They've never stopped me, my side effects.

Bam giggled and the lights dimmed again before dying down completely. I clutched him extremely close, waiting for them to come back on. They always came back on after a few seconds. But it'd been a few seconds of silent breathing before I abruptly pulled back on got on the floor to look for my pants. The ones with my lighter in the pocket.

I was feeling around on the floor when I heard a scream at the other end of the house. Ava. God that girl had some powerful lungs, "Ddaaaadddddddddyyyyy!!!!!" I could hear her crying too. Now I forgot about the lighter and stood up quickly, waving my hands around before landing them on Bam's shoulders.

"Find my lighter and light the candles in our room. Take them to the living room. I'll get Ava and meet you there," I felt him nod, for his shoulders twitched.

"Okay," We both leaned for a kiss, but I ended up getting his eye, and he got my chin. The two of us giggled before I started out the door. I heard her yelling for me to hurry up. She was scared shitless. I knew she was. If it wasn't for her being in her room alone at such a young age, I'd be curled in a corner with candles all around me, waiting for electricity.

"Honey, where are you?" I called out to her, feeling along walls. She said she was in her room. Since she'd stopped crying, she only whimpered now.

"Daddy, I'm scared."

"Don't be, baby, it's just me, you, and Bam. Nothing's going to hurt you."

"But.. but.. the monster's going to come eat me.." I laughed and shook my head, blinking my eyes a few times in the darkness.

"No, sweetie. It won't. Daddy's here. He'll protect yo-" While I was busy feeling with my fingers the way to her room, I stumbled over something on the floor and fell hard.

"Daddy! What was that?!?"

"It was me. I fell. It's alright. I'm almost there. I'm at the bathroom now," I knew I was at the bathroom because I could smell the plug in that was in the bathroom. Not like it worked at the moment, but the scent still lingered. Ava replied with a sigh and an okay, as I stood and came to her room, "Ava?"

No sooner had I said that than I heard her run across the room and grab my leg. She sniffled and I picked her up, putting her on my hip, "See? I told you I'd keep you safe," Ava nodded and put her head on my shoulder, wrapping her arms around my neck. Balancing her, I lifted one hand to feel the wall with to make my way down the hall. I saw a light. Must be Bam with the candles.

And it was. That helped a lot. It made the trip quicker and safer. He was sitting on the floor, the candles in various spots in the room. He was also caring enough to bring blankets for everyone. Because it would get cold. I went to put Ava down, but she wouldn't let go of me, "No, Daddy.. Please- I'm scared.." I sighed and nodded, sitting down myself and situating her up in my lap.

She kept her hold around my neck, "Daddy.. Can I watch TV?"

"No.. the TV won't work. Nothing will work, honey. The power's out."

"Can I watch TV in your room?"

"No. Nothing in the whole place will work."

"Oh.. will the computer work?"

Bam answered this time, "Nope. Only thing that works are these here candles."

"Oh.." Ava moved around a little, snuggling her head against my chest and yawning. I heard that familiar tune, Bam's cell phone. He got up and went to our bedroom, finding and answering it. I didn't pay much attention, it was his business. Just kept answering Ava's questions and watching the flames.

When he came back in, he was smiling, "Hey, Knoxville's out of power too and was wondering if we wanted to come over. Things are better in numbers. Do we wanna go over?" He had the phone in his hand. I looked up at him uneasily and back down at Ava.

"I don't know.. I mean-- Ava.."

Bam nodded and explained that they had Ava with them, "They promise they'll be good." Sighing, I figured there wasn't a use fighting it.

"Alright," I nodded and Ava sat up, standing in front of me, "I'll get my jacket," I stood and grabbed a candle.

"Nooo-- stay with me, Daddy."

"I'll be right back, just go to Bam." She frowned and walked over to Bam, taking his hand. It's not that she didn't like Bam, she adored that man. She just always wanted me in situations like this. Because she knows I won't leave her, and I'll do everything to keep her safe. So I went into the bedroom and got my jacket, getting Bam's too. I put mine on and went back out, handing Bam his. He let go of Ava's hand temporarily to put his coat on, only to grab it again.

"Okay.. Shoes are at the door, Ava's jacket is at the door. Keys are in Bam's jacket. Alright let's go.." They nodded and I blew out the candles, following them to the door where Ava put on her pink overcoat and everyone slipped on shoes.

And then we were off. Driving down the road. Ava didn't understand why the car still worked though. It was too hard to explain, so I just told her that Daddy made magic happen. We pulled into the driveway and got out, being welcomed inside. They had candles set up everywhere in the living room. The usuals were in a circle on the floor, blankets matted at their bottoms.

"Aw, look. Bam's playing the family man again.. Isn't he cuttee?" Someone cooed and people laughed as Bam took the two of us to the circle. Johnny brought us blankets and Ava plopped herself back down on my lap. She had the blanket wrapped around her, and curled herself up against me, seeming afraid of everyone. I wouldn't blame her, really.

Hours passed of everyone talking, sharing stories, and being goofy. Still, no power. Ava had fallen asleep in my lap, letting everyone else talk more openly and in a more vulgar way. I didn't care since she was asleep. My back had started to hurt after a while, causing me to move, turning to lean my backside against Bam's side.

Soon I was getting sleepy, shifting to whisper to my boyfriend that I was going to go to sleep, and wanted to know where we were sleeping. He paused his story to point out that it was where we were before. And that they had a toddler matress for Ava on the floor of that room. I often wonder why and where all these beds come from. When I picked up Ava and stood, he too said he was going to go to bed.

They picked fun at him, but he just shrugged it off and laughed, following me to the room. I laid Ava down in the bed prepared for her and tucked her in tightly before crawling in the bed. I was in pajamas already. Had been for hours. Bam did the same, just getting right under the covers and moved over to me. It was cold since there was no heat.

"I love you," he whispered, pressing his chest to mine.

"I love you, too," I replied, pushing a knee between his legs. We smiled and fell asleep.

But not for long. I felt something crawl into the bed with us, on my side, their cold body getting under the covers and snuggling next to me. I didn't care who it was. I was tired. I was with Bam.

The next morning I woke up with that mysterious body inbetween Bam and I. Turned out to be Ava. She was snuggled happily between us. I could see that the power was still out, my foot was frozen since it stuck out the bottom of the blanket and the alarm clock wasn't on.

When everyone was up, there was a community breakfast. A buffet type thing with foods and everyone just grabbed a plate and took what they wanted, finding a spot to sit on the floor in the living room. Again, I didn't eat much. Only a piece of toast. But I made sure Ava ate well. I found it really respectful how his friends were really tame around Ava. Though they were mighty crazy, they kept calm with her around. Didn't go psycho with her there. Didn't run naked or anything.

They acted like civilized human beings for once.

We heard from the neighbors that the power wouldn't be back for a few days. Great. I decided to go ahead and get things from the house, clothes and such. Ava's coloring utensils. Go by the grocery store too, for a few things. All that jazz. And of course Ava was coming with me. I was going to leave her there with Bam, but she wanted to come with me. So I let her.

I know. It's illegal to drive without a license, but Bam showed me how. I don't have a license, but I can drive well, for the most part. So I took his keys and put Ava in the car, starting the car and pulling out the driveway towards our place. When we got there, she picked out her crayons and such, and a few outfits. I grabbed some clothes for Bam, some clothes for me. A razor, for shaving, and my cell phone car adapter.

The grocery store was closed. Great. Since it was closed, we just went ahead back to Johnny's. Ava jumped out the car and grabbed her things, and I took Bam and I's, going to the door and opening it with my foot, "Bam, the gro-" I stopped and stared when I walked in the house.

I dropped our clothes and grabbed Ava's hand, slamming the door and walked out, down the street quickly before being followed with the lame, "It's not what it looks like."
Yeah you know what. I am evil and I suck. XD Haha.
THERE YA GO. I will write tomorrow too. If I don't get caught up with things. Like my icky strep again. =/
<333333 comments make me SKWEEE really loud and get all bubbly inside.

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