Killing Loneliness

Jan 06, 2006 07:58


I'm evil, I know.

So, this is how it's going to go; short chapter, short chapter, long chapter. Anyone with an objection can see me. *grins*

And here's the next chapter, what is it? 8?

parts 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and 7

Ape stared at her younger son as he came down the stairs. “You look…wow.”

Bam gave a small, shy smile without realising it, then turned it into one of his normal grins that exuded confidence and mischief. “But of course.” He twirled at the bottom of the stairs, letting his jacket and scarf fan out. He was glad that the weather had turned cold and was allowing him to wear his new clothes. He pushed his hat down better onto his head and let April adjust his outfit while they waited on Phil and Jenn.

“Is Ryan riding with us?” Ape asked as she finished messing with Bam’s scarf.

Bam shook his head. “He and Raab rode together this morning, I don’t know why.” He looked down at the knot in his scarf, grinning as he saw that it looked less messy now. “Where the hell is Jenn?” he demanded, looking at his watch. “We’re going to be late.”

April brushed some cat hair off Bam’s hat. “Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.” She smiled at Phil as he came down the stairs, followed closely by Jenn.

“Are you ready?” Phil asked, panting a little from the effort of walking down the stairs.

“We were waiting on you,” April said, giving him a tender peck on the cheek.

Jenn slipped her arm through Bam’s as he watched his parents. He felt sad suddenly, on top of the anticipation and nerves. He wanted what his parents had but he was never going to get it with Jenn and he wished that wasn’t true. He pushed his love life out of his head, now was not the time to contemplate it, and hurried everyone out the door. He didn’t want to be late.

Bam sipped his beer, then nearly dropped it as he tried to clap.

Ville was singing and dancing around stage, wiggling his hips and laughing and joking with the crowd. He seemed to be in a very good mood and the crowd wasn’t huge but considering that the band had gotten no publicity in the States yet it was good sized and definitely enthusiastic.

Bam cheered loudly as the band finished their last song. Bam didn’t want the concert to end and not just because he liked the music; he was almost sick with nerves and having a hard time hiding it. As the musicians filed off stage past Bam and his friends Ville smiled, but before they could get a chance to talk Mige caught Bam’s attention and Ville slipped away.

“Hey, what did you think?” The bassist asked, lighting a cigarette.

Bam talked to him for a little while and they wandered backstage to the small party being held there. Bam surreptitiously watched for Ville as he moved around the room, talking to people and making introductions. Even though he was paying attention Bam missed Ville’s entrance, spotting him eventually, talking to Ryan. Bam wandered over casually.

“You liked it?” Ville was asking.

Ryan nodded. “Great man, really fantastic. I love the lyrics.”

Ville noticed Bam and Bam wondered if he was imagining the way Ville’s face lit up.

“Ryan, have you met my friend, Bam?”

Bam laughed together with Ryan, then laughed harder at Ville’s confused expression.

“Ville,” Bam finally said, once he had regained control, “Ryan’s my best friend.”

Ville smiled, happy to have been let in on the joke. “Ah, well, I suppose no introduction is needed then, hm?”

Later Bam wondered if Ville had done it on purpose to lightened the mood and make him relax. Intentional or not the effect was the same and Bam forgot to be nervous, laughing and drinking late into the night.

I found this earlier and thought it was adorable. So cute

Oh, and a small question. Does anyone know which song is playing on the finale episode while Bam, Raab, and Jussi are wandering around Estonia?
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