Fic. Night Sweats: Sequel to "So much for my happy ending"

Dec 15, 2005 03:40

Title: Night Sweats: Sequel to "So much for my happy ending"
Chapter: 10
Author: Me! xeightxofxninex
Rating: NC-17
Summary: VJ (Ville Jr.) is now 10, it's been 10 years since his birth, and the death of his father, Ville Valo. For a strait week,
Bam and Ville Jr. are revisited by a strange presence. How will they react?
Charactors: Bam. VJ. Ville. Ape. Regina. Phill.
Disclamer: I own this story, but it is only that, a story. Never happened.

The prequel "So much for my happy ending" can be found here,

Previous Chapters can be found here.>>>

Chapter Ten

Regina used her house to key to let herself in and suprise Bam. She snuck past VJ's room, and smiled at the sleeping form. When she got to Bam's room, she put her bags down, took off her coat and fixed her makeup. She nervously grabbed onto the doorknob and slowly opened the door. All she saw was a bump underneath the velvet red comforter. She smiled to herself, and removed her shoes, whipering, "I am thankful for you, Bammie." and crept toward the bed. She started to crawl towards the bump when she felt a hand on her back. She quickly spun around, only to find Ville standing over her, a toothbrush in his mouth and a toothpaste ring around his mouth, he did his best to ask what she was doing and not wake his husband. Regina's eyes grew wide, and she froze, so terrified about the figure infront of her. When she finally snapped out of the shock, she screamed as if she were being murdered. Bam flew out from under the covers quick as a bullet only to realize what was happening, 'oh shit, we forgot to tell Reg.' he thought to himself, soon the whole family was bounding to the room to see exactly what was goin on. "This isn't fucking possible! What the fuck is going on?! Do you see him too, or am I going insane!!?" Regina yelled out at the room. Bam scurried over to her, placing his hands on her shoulders and giving her a stern look "Calm the fuck down Reg! it's okay! Ville is back, he isn't going to hurt you!" Regina smacked his hands away from her and glared at him, "what was I thinking when I came here, you're the nutjob Bam, not me. And how the fuck do you explain him being back?! I thought you loved me!" April grabbed VJ and drug him and Phil out of the room, these three had alot of talking to do, and she didn't want to be part of it. Ville was quick to follow them, Bam needed to talk to Reg alone.
"Regina, I need you to calm down so I can explain things" he said as natural as he could. Regina closed her eyes, took a few deep breaths and when she opened her eyes, Bam saw tears falling from them. "How?" she questioned in a shaky voice filled with saddness, "Reg, why are you crying?" he asked, wiping a stray tear away from her cheek. "I love you Bam, and I came a day late to suprise you. I wanted to tell you so bad, Bam. All I do is think about you and VJ and how we could make the best, loving family ever." Bam hugged her, sympathetic towards her feelings. He sat her down on the bed and kneeled infront of her, holding her shaking hands. "Regina, I need you to understand, I do love you, but in the purest way. Things could never happen that way, you know I still love Ville and always have. I'm sorry that I somehow made you think things were different between us. But it wasn't intended. I hope you understand that. Ville is back, and that's all there is to it. You have to accept that Ville, my husband is with me again, and him and VJ are my family. You are just as much my family as they are." Regina closed her eyes once again, trying to take everything in. "I'm sorry Bam, maybe I should go..."

Ville peeked his head into the bedroom, as if to make sure it was safe to enter.."You okay, Regina?" he walked over to her cautiously. "She thinks she has to leave, Ville. Tell her she can't leave." Regina sighed and rolled her eyes. If Bam couldn't make her stay, why the hell would he think Ville could. Ville thought of the best way to keep her here. "VJ!, Please come here" the small child bounded into the room, his face covered in flour from the cookies he was helping April make. "Yeah Daddy?" Ville got an evil smirk on his face "Tell auntie Reggie how much you missed her" VJ turned to Regina, looking up at here with the sweetest look on his face, and a gapped tooth smile "Oh that's just wrong, and you know it!" She complained. How could she say no to such a cute little thing. Her and Ville had made a beautiful child. But she still hated Ville for being back. "Alright. But on one stories about being dead, too creepy." They all agreed to keep it human-like and walked into the kitchen just in time to see April smack Phil for sneaking raw cookie dough from the bowl. "Everything okay, hunny?" April asked Regina, obviously seeing the tear streaks across her cheeks. She just gave her a smile and asked if she could help with anything. April had alot of cooking to do, seeing as Thanksgiving was soon.
Bam sat watching cartoons with Phil, as VJ was curled up in his grandfathers chest. April was in the kitchen, with Ville along side of her, cooking all the fixings for the dinner the next evening. She always got a headstart so she wouldn't have to cook anything other than the Turkey tomorrow. Regina was out doing some early Christmas shopping. "Is he asleep yet? I can't stand watching these damn finland cartoons" Phil whispered as not to wake VJ. "Granpa, you said a bad word!" VJ said, whipping his head back to look Phil in the eyes. "Guess not, huh pops?" Phil looked at his son, rolling his eyes. "It's okay Granpa, you can change it, I am going to go help grams anyway" and with that, he jumped off Phil's lap and grogily walked into the kitchen. "How the hell did you raise such a sweet kid, I'll never know." "He's part of Ville, it comes natural to him."

Thankgiving came and went. The only remains of it were Turkey Salad and big bellies. "Ape, don't you dare open that container. I'll puke" April looked at her son in confusion. "It's got that damned farty smell and I swear Ape, don't do somthing you'll regret" teasing her son, she cracked open the tupperware container, and Bam smacked her ass, grabbing the container and running across the room, only to toss it out the front door. "I told you Ape." as he smiled deviously at her. "BAM! That was perfectly good turkey!" she screached, "Anything that smells like that can't be anything "good", Ape, deal with it." VJ sat at the kitchen table gigling and cheering on his father. "That poor kid over there is starving, and you want to feed him freakin two day old turkey. You're mean gramma!" Bam said looking at VJ who backed him up. She just turned to look through the empty fridge and sighed "I guess it will have to be PB and J, little one!" she said pulling the jelly and bread out and putting it on the counter. Ville walked out of the bedroom holding Bam's coat. "Ready?" and with that, the two kissed their son "we'll be back in 2 hours to go get the tree, be ready." and were out the door to go get some things to decorate the house with.

The weeks had passed, and Christmas was right around the corner. The gifts were piling up under the tree. The lights were all hung. The beautiful snow lay perfectly on the streets of Helsinki.
Wow, sorry that chapter sucked so much. I guess because I am listening to music while I write I got a bit off. Anyway, I promise the chapters to come will be much better than this.
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