Apr 09, 2005 18:21
sdflsadfsafasfasdf!!! I can't believe it! I did it! *I* actually did it! I fixed my truck! The door opens! The window goes down, omg its like a real truck!
Finally got a new cell phone today! Had the same one for 2 years, and it blows donkey balls. The battery in mine is going bad, and the reception SUCKS. Got the camera phone with the instant messing and all that crap. I cant type for crap on a phone, but I'll definitely be using the camera part, especially when working. Hmmm how did this go?!
I love Saturday again! Tonight I've GOT to see what everyone is talking about. I ususally don't believe hoopla about movies, but this one is getting raves from damn near everyone. The last time I ignored the yaking was Garden State. And UM HELLO, best movie EVER?
Mmmmmmmm. Steak. Strawberry shortcake. *droooooool*
Think I need to go run for a while to burn off the naughtyness.