(no subject)

Dec 21, 2009 17:37

random meme nicked off karen

1. Elaborate on your default icon. one i found off photobucket and liked *shrugs*

2. What's your current relationship status? painfully single

3. Ever have a near-death experience? nope

4. Name an obvious quality you have. big tits. just saying...

5. What's the name of the song that's stuck in your head right now? New Heart For Xmas (Kill Hannah) since i just watched the video of the song taken at the New Heart show this year. yay Jonny and Garret!

6. Name a celebrity you would marry. easy. Mat.

7. Who will cut and paste this first? imma go with Crystal

8. Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity? definitely not

9. Do you wear a watch? What kind? i have a couple but i've just been using a cell phone for the last however-many years

10. Do you have anything pierced? not anymore, but as soon as i have money, i'm fixing that

11. Do you have any tattoos? not yet, but again... when i have money...

12. Do you like pain? nope

13. Do you like to shop? depends on what i'm shopping for. if it's stuff i need, then no. if it's stuff i *want*... yes.

14. What was the last thing you paid for with cash? cash? what is this cash of which you speak?

15. What was the last thing you paid for with your credit card? well, i used my ChaCha bank card to pay for groceries the other day

16. Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone? dad

17. What is on your desktop background? uhmm.. *minimized ff to look* ohright!

18. What is the background on your cell phone? Bailey :D

19. Do you like redheads? sure i like them! but i'm not really attracted to them if that's what you mean

20. Do you know any twins? totally stealing Karen's answer on this one. not in the real world...

21. Do you have any weird relatives? i think i *am* the weird relative...

22. What was the last movie you watched? Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

23. If you had $100 to spare, who would you give it to? there's never $100 to spare, i have three dogs and two horses

24. What was your favorite book as a child? The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings
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