so true .. keep it real ..lmao

Aug 05, 2005 23:24

Black Metal = Rap?
Although the two music styles are seemingly as far apart as you can get, there are some eerie similarities between rap and black metal. Let's take a look at a comparison:

Rap Black metal
Obsessed with "keeping it real", an arbitrary set of rules (R)
Obsessed with "staying true", an arbitrary set of rules (BM)

Band members with fake names (R)
Band members with fake names (BM)

Complaints about opression from white christians (R)
Complaints about opression from white christians (BM )

Overly concerned with making money (R)
Overly concerned with not making money (BM) (so forth and so on)

Cheesy synthesizers
Cheesy synthesizers

Barely in English
Barely in English

Strong feelings about God
Strong feelings about God

Black skin
Black leather

100 guest appearances on every album
100 side projects by every band member

Musicians arrested for murder
Musicians arrested for murder

Closed-minded fanbase
Closed-minded fanbase

Very expensive tennis shoes
Very expensive leather boots

Imagery containing dogs
Imagery containing wolves

Negative portrayals of whites
Negative portrayals of Jews

Rips off samples from pop music
Rips off ideas from classical music

Videos with super-shiny floors and cars
Videos with super-shiny swords

Imagery of the urban jungles
Imagery of the bleak forests

Pride in geographic region
Pride in geographic region
Pride in own race Pride in own race

Songs about hanging out
Songs about hanging people

Overly concerned with appearance
Overly concerned with appearance

High number of guys with either no hair or long hair
High number of guys with either no hair or long hair

Vocal style masks lack of singing ability
Vocal style masks lack of singing ability

Take pride in their (unintentionally) humorous lyrics
Take pride in their (unintentionally) humorous lyrics

Musicians face accusations of selling out
Musicians face accusations of selling out

Unusual interest in ancestry
Unusual interest in ancestry

Videos with scantily-clad women
Promo photos with scantily-clad women

Booty Calls are a common theme
A Call To Arms is a common theme

Constantly drinking alcohol
Constantly drinking alcohol

Axing people kweshuns
Carrying battle axes

Bitching about being enslaved
A bunch of bitches called Enslaved

Im sure someone will get a kick out of this haha
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