i stole this from krystiana

Jul 31, 2005 23:00

Name four bad habits you have:
1. Nail biting
2. Zit popping
3. Farting every and anywhere
4. Being a cunt to people....(it's the pregnancy hormones)

Name four things you wish you had:
2. RYAN (boy from NJ)
3. A GIRL <3
4. My old job at Fry's

name four scents you love:
1. Amor Amor
2. Newborn Baby's
3. Coffee
4. Romance

name four things you are thinking about right now:
1. Will my baby be healthy?
2. Will dana pay me good for babysitting her brat?
3. When will Herbert get his phone turned back on?
4. Sadie

name four things that you have done today:
1. Sleep
2. Babysit
3. Go to wal mart
4. Text message

name the last four things you have bought:
1. TONS of babystuff
2. Maternity clothes
3. Fiber Meds. (stool softener)
4. Butt loads of Milk

name four drinks you regularly drink:
1. Milk
2. Cranberry juice
3. Jones soda
4. Water with crystal lite to-go

first grade teacher's name?
ummm.....gonna have to fraw a _________

song stuck in your head?
straight Up-Paula Abdul

last song you sang?
Alkaline Trio-Radio

last person you hugged?

last thing you laughed at?
Moms and sadie

what's in your cd player?
Armor for sleep-What to so when your dead, or some shit like that

what color socks are you wearing?
I hate socks

what's under your bed?
A box of Saltine Crackers (Morning Sickness Cure)

what time did you wake up today?

current taste?

current clothes?
Aunt Jemima prego dress

last cd you bought?
Armor for sleep

favorite place to be?
In bed or on the couch watching family guy

least favorite place to be?
in my room at 7 wakin up with a brat

if you could play an instrument?

favorite color?

do you believe in an afterlife?
I dunno....never really think about it. i live now

how tall are you?

current favorite word/saying?
Piece of sack, pussy, faggot

identify some of the things surrounding your computer:
t.v.'s peanuts

random lyric:
"Dark nights hold tight and sleep tight my baby Morning light shall burst bright and keep us here safely"

First best friend: Melissa Shelton (florida)

First break-up: Ricky (florida)

First screen name: sbprincess4423

First self purchased album: Micheael Jackson, history

First funeral: Emilio

First credit card: Foley's

First enemy: I dont really remember.

First road trip: I'm sure moving one state to another


Last cigarette: July 9th, 2005

Last car ride: today

Last library book checked out: Oh WOW

Last movie seen: The Devil's Rejects

Last beverage drank: Green Apple Jones Soda

Last food consumed: Subway sanwhich

Last time showered: yesterday

Last shoes worn: Green Flip Flops

Last item bought: a bib that says, I love my mommy

Last annoyance: Fat ass brother

Last time wanting to die: it's been a while, got away from him, so its a brand new life these days

Last time scolded: the other day when richelle was here


01. Who are your best friends? Alex, Danielle, Richelle, Kathy, Amber

02. do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? nope, but got a baby's daddy


01. do you do drugs? Negatory

02. what kind of shampoo do you use? Dove

03. what are you most scared of? Death giving birth

04. what are you listening to right now? Now its saaves the day

05. where do you want to get married? somewhere exotic

06. how many buddies are online right now? 10, but away or idle or on a cell

07. what would you change about yourself? weight after birth

02. food: pasghetti
03. subjects: gonna draw a blank
04. animals: Sadie!!!
05. sports: Baseball
06. perfume: Amor Amor, romance, curios by britney spears
07. cologne: Armanim, AXE


01. given anyone a bath?: of course

02. smoked? yes

03. bungee jumped? nope

04. made yourself throw up? no, it just comes

05. skinny dipped? no

06: ever been in love? long time ago

07. made yourself cry to get out of trouble? nah

08. pictured your crush naked? ALL the time

09. actually seen your crush naked? yes

10. cried when someone died? yes

11. lied? yes

12. fallen for your best friend? something like that

13. been rejected? almost always!

14. rejected someone? yes

15. used someone? yes

16. done something you regret? yes, bunch of things

you touched: besides me, i hugged my mommy
you IMed: Kathy
you kissed: herbert

understanding: i guess....if i wanna listen to what you have to say
open-minded: VERY
arrogant: hah yeah i suppose
insecure: ALWAYS
interesting: na, im just lame
hungry: no
smart: no
moody: HAH im pregnant what do you think?
hardworking: when i wanna be
organized: somewhat
healthy: no, but i do what i can for my baby
bored easily: these days, HELL YES
responsible: mmm, yeah
obsessed: nothing to obsess over
angry: not at the moment
sad: not at the moment
disappointed: all the time
hyper: shit no
trusting: id say i am
talkative: if you know me, you judge that!


in the morning i am: pissed off

all i need is: sleep, baby, and sadie

love: baby and sadie

I dream about: ryan(NJ boy) and matt skiba lately

horror movies: are funny

last person you danced with: gavin, daily

who makes you smile: Sadie, my friends, when they are my friends

who gives you a funny feeling when you see them: um, whats the feeling feel like?


sit on the internet all night waiting for that someone to IM you: eh, if they do they do

wish you were a member of the opposite sex: only if i had a big wiener

wish you were younger: no, 20 is cool


of times i have had my heart broken: once i guess

of hearts i have broken: none

of continents i have lived: 1

of close friends: a lot

of cds i own: too many

of scars on body: too many

Eight places I've visited:
1. New York/New Jersey
2. Austin
3. San Antonio
4. Colorado
5. Florida
6. Hawaii
7. So CAL
8. Chicago

Seven things to win my heart:
1. loving my baby
2. Humor
3. Volunteering to buy me stuff is a plus
4. sing to me
5. tell me im pretty
6. trust
7. romance me

Six things I believe in:
1. god
2. karma

Five things I'm afraid of:
1. snakes
2. hitting animals on the road
3. losing my baby

Four favorite items in my bedroom :
1. BED
2. ALL my baby stuff
3. cell phone
4. tv

Three things I do everyday :
1. throw up
2. pee a lot
3. smell my arm pits

Two things I'm trying not to do right now:
1. scratch my head
2. get fatter

One person I want to see right now:
1. Ryan, i've been dreaming about him lately....wierd
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