*Name* alexa
*Age* 14
*Gender* female
*Location* arizona
*Bands* blink 182, midtown, dashboard confessional, acdc, pink floyde...
*Movies* american pie
*Books* i dont read
*Cars/Trucks* lifted trucks
*State to Visit & Why* cali, cuz of the ocean
*Country to Visit & Why* australia because....i've been there before...(idk)
*Abortion* its wrong
*Capital Punishment* ?
*Gay Rights* the bible says its wrong
*President Bush* good president
*War* i think war is only right if there is a reason for it
*Inter-Racial Marriages* if your in love it shouldnt matter
*Rating Communities* ....they're....fun....
*Religion* its a good thing
*Freedom of Speech* ?
.::What is your...?::.*Biggest Pet Peeve* when people smack when they eat
*Favorite Saying/Quote* live today as if it were your last
What celebrity would you like to be for a day and why? ?
What dead celebrity would you like to bring back for a day and why?
What are your fears/thoughts concerning death? i fear not being able to tell everyone how i feel about them
If you were to be given a choice, how would you choose to die and why? quick
What are your thoughts concerning ignorant people? Do you know any? Are you one? ignorant people are annoying, everyone knows someone ignorant, no.