tonight was supposed to be awesome, what the heck happened?

Dec 18, 2004 22:56

ok so tonight consisted of:

+ Getting kicked and thrown around near the mosh pit
+ Kicking the one guy who i hated every time he fell into me
+ Stealing the horn from another guy
+ Two assholes fighting and ending the show for everyone
+ Having a certain girl challenge Dan and his friends to a fight
+ Getting kicked out by the cops
+ Not getting our money back
+ I didn't get to see O.L.T or A.O.O or H.R ;`( play
+ The cops kept yelling at me and Linz to move it so then we stood outside in the cold and waited for her dad to pick us up
+ On the up side i got to see come cool people there such as Val,Sarah,Shannan,Jon and others..wooo!

well tonight was a waste of a sorry to everyone that went and had a horrible time........whats happening to shows nowadays? it seems like all they are now is places to have fights and start drama....i miss last year
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