Oct 02, 2005 20:02
'hold on tightly because this is it, boys.
we've been waiting a long time; our hands
numb, cold as ice on the back of our necks like
the girls you left at home in bed with your best friend.
this shit will blow your minds
you'll hear the creaking of her straining [heart]strings tonight
but, it could just be your bed posts.'
someone should have told you. but i had to. all in one breath.
i hope you didn't mind.
&somehow the thing you said repulsed you about me is the very thing you should have known in the first place. you saw the look on my face when i told you the truth. that those nasty things everyone said about me were only half false. so why didn't you stop yourself before you waded in too deeply? you knew exactly what sort of substance i am made of; and now you're drowning in it.