so lets face it.. today and the day before were both pretty boring :) give or take a few situations so ill give you what i got from both :D
yesterday thomas and i woke up at:
for those of you who know. thomas has to be at work at 9:00..and he woke up with a stomach ache..=/
day went on and i left for work it was pretty outside :)
and i sat in my booth and i finished my book.
i all suggest you read it :D its SOOO GOOD!!! :D
then outta nowhere this guy flipping RUNS HIS BIKE INTO ONE OF THE ARMS AND DOES A FLIP OVER IT!!! I MEAN...are you KIDDING me? its an ARM. and theres a FLIPPIN sign that says "hey dont come over here. cars only"
i did NOT even try to hide my laughter when he did that. i mean WOW that deserves points.
THEN i had a relization and it was like..damn im a pimp. i mean P.I.M.P!
came home had burritos with thomas. end of day.
woke up. worked out hung out at thomas's office, where elisha tried to avoid her picture being taken. cant avoid the inevitable!
went to work and played some mario on the the Gameboy
came home and got some scratchers and won ten bucks! WOO HOO!YAY FOR MONEY! :D