It's essay time of year again... fortunately they're now out of the way for me though.
In the last couple of weeks:
- was on a train delayed for three hours. On what should've been a three hour journey.
- got unceremoniously thrown out of three computer labs due to fire alarms on the same day
- cried all over someone's shoulder with several witnesses...
- entirely failed to comprehend all the key points in linguistics
- drank far too much coffee
- enjoyed lots of lovely cold, crisp November days :)
- stayed in the library till 11pm
- eaten a LOT of chocolate (A LOT)
- managed to get myself literally wedged between an ex-fling and guy I am currently seeing. Most awkward situation of my life.
How goes it, LJ?
Also, I need to do an adiml soon. Not done one in for ever.