I'm having serious difficulty believing it's midway through semester 2 of university... I've lived in Edinburgh for 5, nearly 6 months now! It's incredible. I'm so settled into this life now, feels like it's being going on forever.
I'm just going to be sad leaving where I live now, with one of my best friends next door who I can call on any time. I'll miss the middle-of-the-night chats on the front steps, the incredulity of whoever that guy was who was like "wait.. you LIVE here? And you've been sitting here AN HOUR AND A HALF?! But it's FREEZING! .....Wait, am I interrupting something?", being able to annoy the hell out of Owen simply by slamming my cupboard door a few times... yeahhh.
Flat situation for next year is eh. I'm living with my friend Peter, but god knows who else. There's Hazel, Maureen, Suzii, Radek, Paul, Rachel and 'random others' all been thrown into the possible mix. So, we'll be with one/two/three of them next year. Could be fun. (Could be hellish). Don't know half of them. One I know too well. Yaaaay.
I'm meant to be doing Russian just now. And English language reading. Oh maaaaan. While I may love uni, I just can't be bothered half the time. I have Russian mid-terms tomorrow. Woohoo.
I accomplished two useful things today (FINALLY getting a long overdue doctor's appointment and callign the TV licensing people) and made some silly decisions. I also poured coffee down myself. It's been a good day, all in all! What have I actually accomplished? Nothing really. But I have updated my LJ now. Be proud.
This entry is going nowhere. I think I should end it here.
So....how are you all?