Sep 05, 2005 20:45
THURSDAY/ me & alyx & vicky walked with tj to gary & johns house. there was like 7 or 8 people there at first. then more & more kept coming. crazy mofos. me;alyx;vicky;tj;&juice went to vickys to get fire crackers & sparklers & shizz around 9 oclock. since its right around the corner it wasnt so bad. but it was locked so alyx went in through the window & let us in. & we had some fun with fire & stuff like that. we all hung out outside for a while & went inside & some people were playing ddr, i just watched. then there was like 20 something people there. i didnt know alot of them. but yeah. twas fun. then me vicky & alyx had to go so we walked to vickys & tj came too. & me &alyx wanted to leave vicky &tj alone. so we ran back to gary&johns. & we played hide&seek outside with some people. then we went back like 15 mins later & we got in trouble 'cus i wasnt supposed to leave or something. yeah whatever.fudhjxa. me &alyx stayed the night at vickys. the end
FRIDAY/ just hung out at vickys all dayyyy.
SATURDAY/went to alyxs & we went to strohs & saw this one kid that was at garys on thursday. i think his name was chris. well yeah. we went to the launrdo-mat..or however you want to spell it. &dsioaio i dont remember.
SUNDAY/went to church, balfguiasdjk. then went to alyxs again &went shopping with her. then we went to strohs again & she pushed me around the parking lot in a shopping cart &it tipped over or something. &i fell out. yipee. [: we went to the laundromat thingy &sav∙on. im still convinced theyre too poor to afford an E. saw this REalllly freakin cute kid. amazing i know. i stayed the nighttt
MONDAY[today,fool]/left around 11 to go to the peach festival by my aunts house. i saw this kid thats in my english class. & when the ford marching band came by. i saw someone else in my english class. & alot of people iknow. tubular-ness. alot of fffffffing pretty boys. we left around 6,30. &icame home & realized i needed shorts for aerobics. so i went with my mom to get some. got some. came home. showered. talked to people. whooo. im so fucking tired. & i hate how this entry is so annoying-ly long. i doubt anyones gonna read it. but then again its not that long, is it. hm. im thinking no. kaybyeeee. im going to hit the hay. as the cool kids would say....
but not really.
yeah wow
im stupit.
comments are kinda cool.
ya know?