So becoming of you.

May 29, 2004 17:00

I place my body between the wall and your hands. No, I wont have sex with you just so you understand. I will hold you against the wall for you to comprehend. This is the way I will have your body spaced from mine. This is what I have for you to take with manly charm.
My love for you runs like rivers to the nearest outlet over there. I scream at night for you but you fail to come. Why wont you fall to your knees and admit you want to force me to. Force me into a wall and show me all you feel for me.
This closed area we are in will hold all the steam between our eyes. Passion love and need. You don't believe me anymore because I looked away. It was only because you are untrue and were touching me the bad way.

You will never understand my way of love.