Apr 28, 2005 22:30
Well as you girls/guys surely know i havn't updated in quite a while.Anyway, i'll tell about a little bit that i may have forgot in my past entries that never made it to be posted.So, of the things that will be comming up in the future :
1.Get my lip pierced (33 days) .
2.School ending (33 days) .
3.Uh....maybe learning to drive (i dunno) .
Thing's that i want back:
1.Long curly hair .
2.Side burns .
3.A person .
And since i said all of that i would like to tell you a bit about my past life.Well i dunno who really cares but i'm starting to work out,because i'm sick of people calling me "fat" .If there were no sin in the world we'ed all be hott and sexy, but as the correct mother say's "don't alway's like the person for what they look like" or "don't go for looks".But people atre all different.
Until then girls/guys ,this is Alex Neil reporting from my house .Goodnight .