Book talk with __tiana__

Jan 05, 2014 20:38

This meme is fun! Come,ask me more things! The month is filling up, but still room for more questions. :D


January 5: Please tell us about the best book you read in 2013 & the book you mean to read next for deathisyourart

It was actually pretty shocking for me to realize how much fanfic I've read this year as opposed to books. I may need to balance that a little bit, as I've got about a zillion books I want to read. I read a lot at work for my job, so the brain gets tired, too!

I seem to be getting most of my fiction itches scratched by fanfic at the moment, so my book reading has been largely non-fiction. I love reading memoirs, especially, and my favorite in that vein this year is Maphead by Ken Jennings. (Yeah, Jeopardy guy!) It's not exactly a memoir, but it is all about maps and the people who love them, including himself, so there are a lot of firsthand accounts. I also have always loved maps - I used to read the huge world atlas we had at my house when I was a kid. (It was so big, it didn't fit on the bookshelf, so we stuck it behind the couch.) I would just flip through it, read the names of places, study the shapes and colors, etc. And I used my imagination a lot - I grew up without the internet, so there were no quick answers for what went on in these faraway places. So, this book really tapped into a part of me that has been there a long time - and that I still use today in my work.

I'll talk more (in a vague kind of way) about my job in a future post, which also partly explains the book I mean to read next, which is:
The Venus Fixers by Ilaria Dagnini Brey. The subtitle is a good summary: The Remarkable Story of the Allied Soldiers Who Saved Italy's Art During World War II. I love reading about history which revolves around art in some way, so this will be right up my alley. Having gone to Italy in college to see some of these masterpieces, I think the story of how they were saved from destruction in WWII will really be intriguing for me. I'm already grateful to complete strangers' actions taken before I was born!

Good question, Diya! ♥
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