1. What are we to call you? ryann or mama
2. Just for reference, what's your age, or even better, your birthdate? 27 born august 17th
3. To what sex do you belong and what are your sexual preferences? i am a hetero female with a husband and 5 kids
4. How many toes do you have? 10 in total
5. How should a good song make you feel? happy
6. What is the best type of movie? fantasy
7. Who is Faramir (if you don't know, say so)? he is from the lord of the rings, the son of the guy gandalf threw into the fire in return of the king because he went crazy and wanted to kill himself and his son who he thought was dead but was actually not.
8. Who are you voting (or would vote if you are underage) for in this election? kerry
9. What is your favorite country? Why? canada, because they have free health care free college and a much calmer atmosphere than the us
10. Exactly nine words of your choice. freedom, love, honor, truth, happy, astonishing, children, precious, healthy
11. What body part would you not mind giving up? do organs count? if so ichoose my gallbladder since i already had it removed!
**Note about the next three questions**
I know these are found in every app, but even if we disagree with your opinions, we'll give you credit for an explanation that let's us understand why you feel that way.
12. How do you feel about abortion? i feel that abortion is wrong, mainly because i have 5 children and could not imagine my life without them.
13. Gay marriage? i dont care either way, i dont care about straight people getting married, it's not a big deal. if your in love get married who cares what sex you are.
14. Religion? i do not believe in god anymore, i used to be a christian and then my mother who was very faithful to god and believed that god would cure her from cancer dies on halloween, so no i cant say i believe in religion anymore.
15. Five favorite bands or singers:
a. maroon 5
c.fiona apple
16. Six favorite movies:
a.lord of the rings the fellowship of the ring
b.lord of the rings the return of the king
c.the lost boys
f.a knights tale
17. A little word association, eh?
a. Pie::crust
b. Bend:: over
c. Pulp:: fiction
d. Lamp:: illuminate
e. Biology:: human
f. F:: uck
g. South:: jersey
18. What was the last thing you got in the mail? blockbuster online dvds
19. Finish this sentence:
a. Holy fuck! Look over there! It's a ???? giant poster of david hasselhoff!!!
10. Yup, sorry. Promote us somewhere and give a link: im new to LJ and i really dont have anywhere to promote ro
21. Give me some parting words. i sence a disturbance in the force
22. Just to throw you off, that wasn't the last question, this is. Look on the internet or rack your memory for a total random fact that you think nobody will know but is still interesting/cool.
did you nw that sean connery grew up believeing that his mother was his sister and did not find out she was actually his mother until he was 37.