1. What are we to call you? Ann works quite nicely.
2. Just for reference, what's your age, or even better, your birthdate? 18- 12 November 1985
3. To what sex do you belong and what are your sexual preferences? I am female. As for sexual preference, we'll go with indifferent. I indentify mostly as asexual or bi-asexual, but to be entirely honest, sex/gender as a whole simply doesn't phase or interest me- I don't want it, but I'm not grossed out or offended by it, either. It simply has no bearing on anything I do. I also have a tendency not to see people in terms of gender, so that makes no difference.
4. How many toes do you have? Ten, but the little pinky toe of my right foot has a cut on it right now, and I have no idea what from. It hurts. *tear*
5. How should a good song make you feel? Inspired. Good music should stir your soul. That's the purpose of music- to enliven your humanity.
6. What is the best type of movie? Any movie you can't watch while braindead; one you can take apart for hours and keep finding motifs and themes and substance in every layer of it. Usually, horror/suspense is good for this.
7. Who is Faramir (if you don't know, say so)? Brother of Boromir... psh, trying to get me on anything sci-fi/fantasy related, are we? Shame.
8. Who are you voting (or would vote if you are underage) for in this election? Bush. I believe he is the better of two bad choices. The underlying theme of this age group seems to be "Anyone but Bush!" but they aren't really looking at the alternative. I honestly think Kerry would be far worse for the country than Bush could be. Either way, the next four years are going to be under less than ideal leadership and I think if Bush wins, the 2008 election will be much better. If we can't really "win" this year, we may as well set ourselves up for best-case-scenario in the future. (Also, I won't get into this now, because it's later in the application, but Bush and I are on the same side of the most important issue to me. But that alone wouldn't be enough for my vote.)
9. What is your favorite country? Why? I really do love this country, but I haven't lived anywhere else. If I had to chose ANOTHER country, it would be Scotland. Something about that culture has always intrigued me. And, I'm a sucker for castles.
10. Exactly nine words of your choice. Nine eight seven six five four three two one.
11. What body part would you not mind giving up? My little toe. Like I already said, it hurts right now, but as a more permanent reason, mine are slightly curled under my foot, anyway, so it would almost be useful to get rid of them.
**Note about the next three questions**
I know these are found in every app, but even if we disagree with your opinions, we'll give you credit for an explanation that let's us understand why you feel that way.
12. How do you feel about abortion? I am vehemently pro-life. This is the issue that I agree with 'ole Bushie on. I do a lot of Pro-Life work here at UF. I've seen what these women go through, I've seen how they feel afterwards. They're not informed of all the risks, and when they regret it, there's nothing they can do afterwards. We just had a Silent No More event here Wednesday with several women who regret their abortions- and many women do- and all we could do is say I'm sorry. We also do sidewalk counseling by the local abortion clinic. Just talking to someone about it and telling them everything about the procedure and seeing their reactions proves that people really aren't as educated about their decisions as the clinics tell us they are. And, above and beyond all that, I believe that abortion stops a beating heart. I believe it kills, and that just isn't right. My current favorite abortion-related quote: "Blacks didn't chose slavery, Jews didn't chose genocide, Babies didn't chose abortion." I simply think you're robbing an innocent child of the right to live. That bothers me, a lot. I know my views here are semi-radical (in that I'm so strong about them), but this is a very important issue to me. Now that I've done the work and research and talked to the women and the former abortion doctors, I feel more strongly than ever before about it. Oh, and I'm going to march on Washington in January for Pro-Life causes. It's nice to be an activist, even if you know there's staunch opposition. It's nice to work towards a cause.
13. Gay marriage? I won't make this explanation quite so lengthy, heh. I support gay marriage because I think marriage should be about love. As for "destroying the sanctity of marriage," what, and divorce doesn't? That's what really gets me- people can marry, divorce, marry, divorce, rinse, repeat, as often as they wish, so long as one has tab A and the other has slot B. That just doesn't sit right with me. I think you should be allowed to love whoever you chose, all legal benefits to that inclusive.
14. Religion? I'm a fervently practicing Roman Catholic (despite the gay marriage issue, yes, I know), but I make no assumptions about people in regards to whatever religion they are or aren't. I just care what kind of PERSON who are, and if we get along. I love my religion, I love having a religion, but I know it isn't for everyone. Especially not at this age. It takes a lot of courage to practice a religion openly, I think, so more power to those who do, of any religion, not just my own. However, I am AGAINST the people fanatics who go out and try to SAVE!!!! people by telling them they're going to Hell and are unclean, infidels, whatnot. Everyone should just respect everyone else's beliefs. There's a difference between a difference of opinion and disrespect, however, that that needs to be kept in mind, as well.
15. Five favorite bands or singers:
a. Josh Groban
b. Billy Joel
c. Matchbox 20
d. Jimmy Buffet
e. Does Andrew Lloyd Webber count? I love his work.
16. Six favorite movies:
a. Secret Window
b. Signs
c. The Ring
d. Armageddon
e. Apollo 13
f. What's Eating Gilbery Grape
17. A little word association, eh?
a. Pie:: American
b. Bend:: elbow
c. Pulp:: fiction
d. Lamp:: bulb
e. Biology:: class
f. F:: pie (where did THAT come from?)
g. South:: North
18. What was the last thing you got in the mail? Registration papers from the church on campus.
19. Finish this sentence:
a. Holy fuck! Look over there! It's a ???? llama! (I love llamas- I want one someday. Seriously.)
10. Yup, sorry. Promote us somewhere and give a link:
Here! (Yes, it's in my own journal, but I maintain several communities, it's in my AIM info, I send it to EVERYONE constantly- in short, my LJ is heavily trafficked (how in the world do you spell that?), so I know it will be very effective in getting the word around, more so than most communities I know of.
21. Give me some parting words. I wasn't going to apply here, but it seems like a very mature, open-minded community where differing views can be accepted and discussed and everyone gets respected- that's something I'd really like to be a part of, and I hope I will be.
22. Just to throw you off, that wasn't the last question, this is. Look on the internet or rack your memory for a total random fact that you think nobody will know but is still interesting/cool. Having an abortion increases the risk of breast cancer 800%. (Was going to work that into my abortion paragraph, but it didn't seem to fit. Thought it did here.)
23. Don't worry...this isn't a question. A pic is nice, but completely optional. It won't affect any decisions. Here, have a few.