1. What are we to call you?
2. Just for reference, what's your age, or even better, your birthdate?
15 and my birthday is 11/25/88. Its on Thanksgiving this year. cool huh?
3. To what sex do you belong and what are your sexual preferences?
I am a girl. It would be weird for a boy to have my name. I am hetero. Not homophobic or anything either.
4. How many toes do you have?
Ten, but my big toe is shorter than the one next to it.
5. How should a good song make you feel?
Happy when you are sad, loved when there is no one to love, hyper even if you didn't have sugar that day...
6. What is the best type of movie?
A movie that requires you to think. Like a mystery, but more of a Harry Potter type movie.
7. Who is Faramir (if you don't know, say so)?
Should I know? I don't know. Who is he/she?
8. Who are you voting (or would vote if you are underage) for in this election?
Kerry. Bush wasn't a great president. He should have spent more time on the faults America has instead of Iraq. We went to a war that was completely preventable.
9. What is your favorite country? Why?
Italy. Its shaped like a boot. The food is awesome. The cities are even better.
10. Exactly nine words of your choice.
Why is Greenland covered in ice and thick snow?
11. What body part would you not mind giving up?
My right hand. It twiches and hurts when it is cold outside. I wouldn't have to do much labor with one hand missing.
**Note about the next three questions**
I know these are found in every app, but even if we disagree with your opinions, we'll give you credit for an explanation that let's us understand why you feel that way.
12. How do you feel about abortion?
Prochoice. I would keep it though. I would think of the consequences before engaging in sexual activity.
13. Gay marriage?
Any one has a right to love who ever they want. Marriage is a binding love between two people. Why do people fight so much about this. Take away marriage all together and love whatever you want. Since that won't work I just think gay people should be able to marry one another.
14. Religion?
I am not religious at all. I don't hate religious people or anything. I just don't bother with it. I hope this doesn't make me sound bad.
15. Five favorite bands or singers:
a.Taking Back Sunday
d.Blink 182
16. Six favorite movies:
a.Harry Potter (I,II,III)
c.Rockyhorror Picture Show
d.Ferris Beulers Day off
e.Princess Diaries
f.A Bugs Life
17. A little word association, eh?
a. Pie:: Stuffing
b. Bend:: Twist
c. Pulp:: Oranges
d. Lamp:: Post
e. Biology:: Fred the pet Spider in Bio class
f. F:: monkey....thats the first think I thought of
g. South:: Miami
18. What was the last thing you got in the mail?
My Slytherin green shirt <3
19. Finish this sentence:
a. Holy fuck! Look over there! It's a ????
6 legged poisonus spider with retractable claws and am fm radio.
10. Yup, sorry. Promote us somewhere and give a link:
http://www.livejournal.com/users/ultimatumtime/231416.html?style=mine 21. Give me some parting words.
Alas, parting was such sweet sorrow, now I say good niii hey thats not the last question!!!
22. Just to throw you off, that wasn't the last question, this is. Look on the internet or rack your memory for a total random fact that you think nobody will know but is still interesting/cool.
If all your veins and arteries put together can stretch across the world like 3 times.
23. Don't worry...this isn't a question. A pic is nice, but completely optional. It won't affect any decisions.
Pic, because I am so pretty *cough cough* ok so I lied...