How to join
01. Make sure you have read this entire page & the rules listed in the group profile COMPLETELY before joining.
02. Join the community.
03. You must have at least one entry that I can comment on (meaning that if I are not on your friends list, that the entry allows commenting by non friends- such as an 'add me' page, or any public entry that you have if your journal is locked). If you do not have one, you will not be approved.
04. I will leave a comment in your journal saying that you have been accepted, and that you have 48 hours from the time I comment to post your introduction in the community (this is the reason that you must have at least one entry).
05. It's a good idea to add
__thin to your friend's list at the same time you join, so you can see the community posts as soon as we add you to the community. This will not happen automatically since we have moderated membership.
How to post your introduction:
01. If you are self-diagnosed, please consult the DSM-IV that I have posted below before joining. Check it before you fill out your introduction to ensure you fit the criteria for the eating disorder you think you have. If your diagnosis is wrong, you will be corrected and be required to fix it before your 48 hours are up.
02. Even if you have been previously diagnosed, yet your current status prevents you from fulfilling all the criteria for your previous diagnosis, you must correctly self diagnose. You may specify your previous diagnosis(s) under 'History of ED'.
03. 'Ana' & 'Mia' are not eating disorders. Do not reference them in your introduction. If you insist on doing so, you will be removed.
04. We require that you post two promos shown below when you join. Only one is allowed to be in your personal journal. I check these, don't bother faking them.
05. Do not comment or post until you have been stamped by
thinking_taylor! This will result in an instant ban. You may comment on your introduction only.
06. Posting pictures of yourself is not optional, although I understand that some people feel uncomfortable with this. All posts in our community are made Friend's Only by default, to protect our privacy. Any pictures or entries that you post inside the community can never be seen by anyone who is not a member. If you have a serious issue with posting your personal picture, contact Taylor through an email at
07. The more effort and details that you put into your introduction, the better your feedback will be. Believe me, it's obvious if you half-ass it and put in little effort, and the members will notice.
08. You must fill out the entire introduction & post it within 48 hours of joining, or you will be removed from the community for failure to follow set procedures.
09. If your introduction is in any way edited, or if any questions are removed, it will be deleted. The application should be copied and pasted exactly as it is in the textbox below. If you screw up the HTML, you have one day to fix it before your introduction is deleted.
10. If removed, you may re-join. If you fail to post an introduction within 48 hours after joining a second time, having already been removed once for failure to post an introduction, you will have to wait 30 days before being able to apply again.
Some helpful hints:
01. The introduction will be pre-livejournal cut for you, since that is a requirement. If for some crazy reason that it is not behind a cut, it will be deleted without notice, and you will be required to re-post.
02. To post a link, copy the URL in the address bar of your browser.
03. To find your BMI, click the link listed at the top of the group profile, or
here. 04. If you need a place to host pictures, try a website such as-,, or
05. We really hate it when we have to click on a link to see your pictures. Make sure you pick the right tag when you host them, otherwise it's super annoying. I want to see pictures, not links to pictures.
Post your introduction:
Current weight:
LW (at this height):
HW (at this height):
History of ED:
Self diagnosed or by a doctor?
How long have you been engaging in disordered behavior?
Pictures or text of thinspiration:
Pictures of you:
Tell us a little about yourself:
3 things you love:
3 things you hate:
Reason for joining __thin:
How did you find this community?
Provide 2 links to show that you have promoted:
How to diagnose yourself:
Anorexia Nervosa
-Refusal to maintain body weight at or above a minimally normal weight for age and height (eg, weight loss leading to maintenance of body weight less than 85% (BMI of 17.5) of that expected or failure to make expected weight gain during period of growth, leading to body weight less than 85% of that expected).
-Intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, even though underweight.
-Disturbance in the way in which one's body weight or shape is experienced, undue influence of body weight or shape on self-evaluation, or denial of the seriousness of the current low body weight.
-In postmenarchal females, amenorrhea ie, the absence of at least three consecutive cycles. (A woman is considered to have amenorrhea if her periods occur only following hormone, eg, estrogen administration.)
Specify type:
-Restricting Type: During the current episode of anorexia nervosa, the person has not regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behavior (ie, self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas).
-Binge-Eating/Purging Type: During the current episode of anorexia nervosa, the person has regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behavior (ie, self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas).
Bulimia Nervosa
-Recurrent episodes of binge eating. An episode of binge eating is characterized by both of the following:(1) Eating, in a discrete period of time (eg, within any 2-hour period), an amount of food that is definitely larger than most people would eat during a similar period of time and under similar circumstances.(2) A sense of lack of control over eating during the episode (eg, a feeling that one cannot stop eating or control what or how much one is eating).
-Recurrent inappropriate compensatory behavior in order to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting; misuse of laxatives, diuretics, enemas or other medications; fasting or excessive exercise.
-The binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behaviors both occur, on average, at least twice a week for 3 months.
-Self-evaluation is unduly influenced by body shape and weight.
-The disturbance does not occur exclusively during episodes of bulimia nervosa.
Specify type:
-Purging type: During the current episode of bulimia nervosa, the person has regularly engaged in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics or enemas.
-Nonpurging type: During the current episode of bulimia nervosa, the person has used inappropriate compensatory behaviors, such as fasting or excessive exercise, but has not regularly engaged in self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics or enemas.
Eating Disorder Not Otherwise Specified
(or EDNOS)
Includes disorders of eating that do not meet the criteria for any specific eating disorder. Examples include:
-For females, all of the criteria for anorexia nervosa are met except that the individual has regular menses.
-All of the criteria for anorexia nervosa are met except that, despite significant weight loss the individual's current weight is in the normal range.
-All of the criteria for bulimia nervosa are met except that the binge eating and inappropriate compensatory mechanisms occur at a frequency of less than twice a week or for duration of less than 3 months.
-The regular use of inappropriate compensatory behavior by an individual of normal body weight after eating small amounts of food (eg, self-induced vomiting after the consumption of two cookies).
-Repeatedly chewing and spitting out, but not swallowing, large amounts of food.
Binge Eating Disorder
This disorder is quite similar to bulimia, however, it differs from bulimia because its sufferers do not purge their bodies of excess food. They will eat large quantities of food, and do not stop until they are uncomfortably full. Most people with this disorder are obese and have a history of weight problems fluctuation. Recent research shows that binge eating disorders occur in about 30 percent of people participating in medically supervised weight control programs. BED is NOT the same as Compulsive Overeating (COE).
Compulsive Overeating
Some characteristics of COE:
-May fulfill all the diagnostic critia for Bulimia Nervosa except for the regular purging.
-Will either binge on large amounts of food or snack continuously throughout the day.
-May be obsessed with food by thinking about it continuously.
-Food becomes a form of comfort to help with depression and feelings.
-Usually results in the person being overweight or obese. Some may be of normal weight if they go through periods of 'binge-free' days.
-May express frustration with weight and not being able to control urges around food.
Compulsive Exercising
These are the danger signs:
-You force yourself to exercise even if you don't feel well.
-You freak if you miss a workout.
-You calculate how much to exercise based on how much you eat.
-You would rather exercise than get together with friends.
-You have trouble sitting still because you think you're not burning calories.
-You worry that you'll gain weight if you skip exercising for one day.
Anorexia Athletica
This disorder is most often recognized in competitive athletes, but it can affect anyone with a preoccupation with weight and/or diet. Anorexia Athletica goes hand in hand with Anorexia Nervosa and Compulsive Exercising.
Warning signs of Anorexia Athletica:
-Exercising beyond the requirements for good health
-Obsessive dieting; fear of certain foods
-Compulsive or obsessive exercising; overtraining
-Individual won't eat with teammates, tries to hide dieting
-Stealing time from work, school, and relationships to exercise
-Focusing on challenge and forgetting that physical activity can be -fun
-Defining self-worth in terms of performance
-Rarely or never being satisfied with athletic achievements
-Always pushing on to the next challenge
-Justifying excessive behaviour by defining self as an athlete or insisting that their behaviour is healthy
-Desire to keep losing more poinds despite already low body weight
-Mood swings; angry outbursts
-Menstrual periods stop
Othorexia Nervosa
The Bratman Test for Orthorexia
-Do you spend more than 3 hours a day thinking about your diet?
-Do you plan your meals several days ahead?
-Is the nutritional value of your meal more important than the pleasure of eating it?
-Has the quality of your life decreased as the quality of your diet has increased?
-Have you become stricter with yourself lately?
-Does your self-esteem get a boost from eating healthily?
-Have you given up foods you used to enjoy in order to eat the 'right' foods
-Does your diet make it difficult for you to eat out, distancing you from family and friends?
-Do you feel guilty when you stray from your diet?
-Do you feel at peace with yourself and in total control when you eat healthily?
Yes to 4 or 5 of the above questions means you're semi-obsessed with eating healthy food.
Yes to all of them means a full-blown obsession with eating healthy food.
How to post a promotional banner:
01. Pick which banner(s) you like the best.
02. Select the entire link in the text box below your chosen picture.
03. Copy the link.
04. Go to your chosen location(s) to place the banner.
05. Paste the link.
06. Copy the URL out of your address bar.
07. Paste the URL link in your introduction.
08. Remember that you can only promote one time in your personal journal.
01.">" border="0" alt="Be __thin.">
A community for the
truly eating disordered.
02.">" border="0" alt="Be __thin.">
A community for the
truly eating disordered.
03.">" border="0" alt="Be__thin.">
A community for the
truly eating disordered.
04.">" border="0" alt="Be __thin.">
A community for the
truly eating disordered.
05.">" border="0" alt="Be __thin.">
A community for the
truly eating disordered.
06.">" border="0" alt="Be __thin.">
A community for the
truly eating disordered.
07.">" border="0" alt="Be __thin.">
A community for the
truly eating disordered.
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A community for the
truly eating disordered.
09.">" border="0" alt="Be __thin.">
Acommunity for the
truly eating disordered.
10.">" border="0" alt="Be __thin.">
A community for the
truly eating disordered.