Jan 22, 2005 23:00
The sheer idiocy of some people never ceases to amaze me. Remind me to never go to Hogsmeade again. I might get infected by the stupid. Oh, my sodding head. Sometimes I wonder if these people actually have brains, and yes, I know it is physically impossible for one to live without a brain, but still. Never going to Hogsmeade again. Oh no, I sound like an emotionally distressed teenager. Allow me to go write poetry and throw myself off the Astronomy tower. Thanks much.
My father sent me more money today. Hullo daddy dearest, I'm at a school filled with idiots and I can't exactly go anywhere but Hogsmeade which is full of even more idiots and as such, I don't exactly need three thousand galleons at the moment, but when I do, you'll be the first to know. Okay thanks.
My head is going to explode. People give me headaches. All I want to do is read in silence, but apparently that's too much to ask for too. Someone come change my opinion on people and amuse me.
[Private lock] Playwizard is a waste of my sodding money. There may or may not have been a Hogwarts professor in this month's copy though. Hmm. I'd rather look at naked guys than the whores they've got in Playwizard. [/private lock]