Dec 30, 2006 15:39
I wish that I wasn't so insecure
Age you turned: 18
Did you grow?: uh my hair did? idk
School/Work: Liberty/Hambletons, then Supercuts
IM Screen name(s): LastSecondStars
Best birthday gift: money!
Best Christmas/holiday gift: um. I like my new shoes.
Most important thing you lea/rned: well at the moment. DON'T LIE!
Did your physical appearance change?: probably. it tends to change lot
Did your, personally change?: uh sure?
Best month(s): beats me.
Worst month(s): eh. school times.
Best friend(s): right now? Will, Rosa and Nick
New friend(s): jeah. I've made quite a bit.
Lose any friends?: yeah.
Lose any family members?: nope
Any new family members? nope
Most influential person(s):hmm. I dunno.
Have any crushes?: yes'm.
How many relationships?: 1
Longest relationship: this year? uh, a month and counting
Shortest relationship: nope
Did you have your heart broken?: no
Status at the beginning of the year: single.
Status now: takennnnn
Status you want(ed) to be: I'm pretty content with this one.
Have any regrets?: yes...this year was full of regrets
Did you fall in love?: nope.
How many people did you kiss this year? 3 or 4
Who was the first person you kissed this year? :X
Who was the last person you kissed this year? Will Howard.
Did you party?: yes :)
Did you throw any parties?: hell no.
Vacations: NYC, Canada. etc etc.
Best winter event: Will :)
Best spring event: beats me.
Best summer event: New York was pretty sweet.
Best autumn event: beats me.
Ever sneak out?: yep.
Any "firsts"? (first time trying things, going places, etc): yes.
Plans for the new year?: go to college I guess.
Hopes for the new year?: stop fucking up so much.
New Years Resolution: oh you know. the usual.
Goals you want to accomplish: go to college.
Anything you're putting behind you?: doubtful.
Age you will turn: 19
Any big changes taking place?: moving out.
Going anywhere?: yep.