tonight was pretty fun, hung out with alexa heather adam cam jason ruslan mike jason nick mitch greg greg joe and some others.
+ heather and adam came over
+ went to vons to meet up with cam and jason
+ did a tight ass prank hahaha
+ went to nicks && then mike's.
+ left to andre's party. which was chill
+ got kinda boring so me alexa heather and adam went to taco bell then picked up ruslan " WHY DOES SQUEEKS HAVE AN ATTiTUDE WiTH US GiRLS...HE iS SO MEAN TO US. " haha
+ went back to the party, haha me and alexa were laughing so hard at this RANDOM guy that thought i was checking him out all becuz i was reading his shirt. haha then he comes over.. ewww. haha "we go to westlake highschool.. " haha. love you alexa.
+ almost danced with tubbs haha and talked to everyone
+ then left to my house w/ adam and heather & watched Van Wilder. woooo!
heather adam and me { my camera on my phone makes all of our faces red... }
me and alexa !
me and tubbbbbs !
& Joe sleeping..what a hippie... haha
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