Feb 10, 2004 20:10
I dont think I can ever spend too much time with Mike.
When I wake up in the morning, I never want to leave him....
when I get home and he's not here I miss him.
I miss him always.
When he comes home I rush to give him kisses.
I love him so much.
I dont understand how I have lived my life without him. He makes everything complete and thats what makes him so wonderful. Today is 1 month since we've been together. 1 month- so much has happened in that short time span, that takes some people years to accomplish. I met him, I fell in love almost instantly, I moved in, and now he is my fiance. Things definatly happen for a reason, we were made for each other no doubt. We are going to be together for forever....I think about it and it makes me smile. I get to spend the rest of my life with the most incrediable person in this world. I am so lucky.
I would do anything for him, he is my heart, my world, my reason for happiness, my stength, my soulmate...my everything.
I love him more than words could ever desribe. I swear sometimes he reads my mind and knows excatly what I want to hear.
I want to say he's perfect, but that doesnt even come close to what he is.