Jul 20, 2005 14:38
As happiness rolls on I guess I just hop on the bandwaggon these days, nothing to interesting happenes when your feet dangle off the edge of a lifetime rolling past your knowlege.
So this summer has been rather uneventful, I have been trying to get a job for the last 3 months and have applied to over 20 pleace at least, but no such luck in a town such as this,obviouslly.
I would say the most fustrating thing aobut it all is when your family pretends your not in the least bit trying.
Summer School was the best. Getting ahead was a great feeling, and I am deffinetlly attending next summer, hopefully it's still located at Warren , that is one BIG school. Not that I don't still love Taft, only I liked the new and organized feeling it gave... though it still reminded me of a hospital...
Speech was the BEST. I met some of the most interesting people you could imagine, and would sincerlly hope I encounter those people again one day. I loved the feeling of being surrounded by people with my same goal, to "get ahead, and get this (so claimed boring) class out of my way!" Ms.Smith was an excelent teacher, and I have never had that much fun in a class in one day, even though everything was excellerated, which was fustrating at times, even she knew this delema I had with myself, ha. All in all in perswaded me to take BCIS and Health next year..if and only if my counsoler approves...
Things are realativly fantastic with Rene and I, though I feel at the time that we have reached the turning point in which we are both finding ourselves in this massive world, which is sometimes fustrating for some and easy for others.
I could never ask for anthing more than I have at this point in my life than to acuier more knowledge and see/find myslef more then I have in the past. I need to find that place where I belong in this world before someone els beats me to it, and I stand with nothing but a lonly feeling ... i'll surpress the feelings which end that sentence.
I have many goals at this point in my life and working towards them is finding itself more and more difficult than I could ever imagine... Nothing comes easy, huh? You've got that right...
So while I swing my legs and fancy the trees passing by I shall say farewell to the past and see forth to the future, in a light which was shaded by gray clouds thus far.