
Jan 04, 2007 15:13

I hate who I've become recently.

I've broken promises. I've lied. I've been caught.

I have no motivation for anything anymore, and I've pretty much given up on school this semester.
I nearly cried today during lunch. I'm so overwhelmed with everything. I have so much on my plate.

My Christmas was okay. I got a lot of little things, but not too much to show for it. But I can't complain.
I got Ellis a really nice skateboard, and he has managed to loose it. Or someone stole it or something.
His birthday is the tenth, and I really want to get some people to help me get money together to get him a new one.
I definatly can't afford spending another $110 dollars on him alone. Plus I've already gotten him $20 worth of records.

I didn't realize how close second semester is. In about two weeks and my schedual is all flipped and stressful.
College applications are due very soon and I haven't put any effort into at all.
I don't feel as if I'm doing anything with my life and it scares me. I just don't want my teenage years to end.
But I can not wait to get out of Apex High School.

I'm planning on transfering Loops, so I'll now be working at the one off fifty-five. Either that or I'll just quit.
I've been calculating today. If I work four hours on Satudays at Paint Your Pot I earn about $30.
If I work double hours on Saturdays at The Loop I earn about 48. Four extra hours for only $18.
In one month at Paint Your Pot I will earn about $360 to $400. When at The Loop I only make $200.
But working nights at Paint Your Pot its so depressing, & working nights at The Loop is so much fun.
I'm not really sure what I should do, but thats enough rambling about that.
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