they dont say "god-bless you" as much as they used to.

Aug 08, 2006 18:43

it'll all be okay.

i kind of want to kill myself after the last two days.
but today was significantly better than yesterday.
i'm no so inconsiderate as to bore you with details.

just fill:
details details

forth period makes me sick, every day. but then the car ride home with garrett [& occasionally bre] make up for it & is slowly taking over our summer... which was AMAZING.

today i wrote FUCK! on a paper of jessica's which was a quiz.
she had to re-write it & i wrote her a poem saying:
"roses are red
violets are ugly
i'm sorry i wrote 'fuck!'
please forgive me"

but she said it didnt rhyme right so i re-did it:
"roses are silly
violets are mean
sorry about 'fuck!'
i think you're keen!"

which lead to a lot of poems each four lines with the titles:
"poem # 961" & on.
"poem # 967" said this:
mrs jones has a
rolled up news
paper. & i am wondering
if she is going to hit someone.

& then she took the poems up. i hope read them. they are in keeping with the class. & they are funny.
i hope she likes them.
she can expect more greatness from that corner.

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