am i t00 cute?

May 04, 2005 12:30


001. Name: Melanie

002. Age: 17

003. Gender: female

004. Location: Scituate, MA

005. Why should we accept you? i'm pretty like-able, and i'm taking a photography class this semester, so i'll be able to contribute some great pictures, and i like participating in the voting process

006. Whats up? nothin wode

007. Who did you promote to? Leave the link

*Please list at least 3*

008. Band/Singer: incubus, dispatch, dj shadow

009. Food: ice cream, strawberries, chocolate

010. Color: light blue, light yellow, wine red

011. Places to shop: PacSun, newbury comics, victoria's secret

012. Movies: American Beauty, Garden State, Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy


013. Your best features (physically/personality): physical= eyes, hair color, freckles

014. If you could change one thing about yourself what would you change? my hips, theire pretty big.

015. Whats your definition of cute? completely 100% squeeze-able. when you see someone who's truly cute, you just want to squeeze them til their eyes pop out! :P

016. Something interesting about you: i'm a 2nd degree black belt in kenpo karate, i'm going to spain next year over the summer, and i'm wicked psyched for it

017. Most embarassing moment: i was with my boyfriend and we were like, making out and stuff in his car, and a cop shows up and taps on teh window... and we were both completely naked!


018. Cheerleaders: the stereotype can only go so far. i know some cheerleaders who are actually pretty cool

019. Stereotypes: stupid and should not be used as a means of judging people

020. Abortion: i will always be pro-choice, no questions asked

021. Religion: i respect those who have faith

Post at least 3 clear pictures of yourself:

I'm the one in the red dress
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