(no subject)

Mar 26, 2014 23:28

just read a book called "selected unpublished blog posts of a mexican panda express employee" that sean had lying in the living room and felt inspired to write some probably mundane dumb shiat in hurr.

she made a list of everyone she's slept with and wrote about them, too. i want to do that but maybe only if nobody i know could read it. or at least nobody i actively didn't want to see it.

productive things i did today:
- went to 3 of my 4 classes
- drank 2 huge glasses of water as soon as i woke up
- made 'protein balls' out of dates, pistachios, sunflower seeds and coconut oil
- 10 min beginners yoga vid
- almost kept up with all of my calorie counting w/ loseit

unproductive things i did today:
- doodled/mentally checked out of my entire psych discussion
- watched part of a documentary about a ridiculous rich family who loved tacky things and built 50% of the biggest house in america and then lost all their money and had to have budgets and couldnt finish building
- looked at my logic homework and tried to work on it but hit roadblocks cuz i'm lost
- came 2 sleep at kelsey's even tho i would have probably read for school if i stayed at home

oh well.
i can't sleep.
tonight i learned that your body holds tension in all sorts of places when you're stressed and for me it is in my jaw
and also a sign of tension holding is shallow breathing/holding breath and i CONSTANTLY have those issues
i wake myself up in the night to make sure i'm breathing sometimes

its a hard life
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