Feb 19, 2007 22:00
Dear Self,
Get over it. A seven year closet obsession is NOT healthy.
It will never happen.
He has a girlfriend and would never contemplate dating you anyway.
Love, Self
I start work at Wegman's tomorrow.
I am absolutely terrified and don't forsee myself sleeping anytime tonight.
A creepy man from MySpace IMed me this evening.
He is apparently from Potsdam and would like me to be his "Mistress"?
Dear Mr. Creepyasfuckmyspacestalker,
Go stick your dick in your wife and leave me the junk alone.
Possible Massena trip this weekend?
I would very much like my birthday tattoo.
I'm already bored with this.
Is there a vitamin out there that might increase my attention span?
I can add it to my 10vitamins-a-day vitamin addiction.