(no subject)

Jun 23, 2004 08:12

Its 8 in the morning. I've been up since 5. I've had 3 cups of coffee. 8-5+3=6. If man is 5, and the devil is 6, then God must be 7. 7-6=1+5=6 again. Woah. Rage Against the Machine is a good band, just so you guys know. In fact, I think they are the best band. Ever. Their lyrics are genius, their music is incredible, they put on a good show. And they are angry, but not for their image. They have reasons to be angry, and thats what makes them cool.

Right, as I was saying. Wait... what was I saying? Something about... numbers... and... something. Yea, well, the reason I'm up so early is this: I have a sleeping disorder. I think. I might have some weird version of insomnia, that kicks in really early in the morning. But I wake up this early every morning, you guys just don't know it, because you are lazy, good for nothing faggots . Now time to make fun of ze world.

Close Call for Toddler as Elk Crushes Bed

HELSINKI (Reuters) - An elk jumped through a townhouse window and crashed into a toddler's bed, scratching the cheek of a sleeping two-year-old and wreaking havoc in a Finnish family's home at the weekend, police said.

Now you are just being silly. An elk, on a rampage? How did it scratch him? Wouldnt the antlers be under more of a 'gore violently' persuasion? First bald becomes a hair color, now raging elk roam the land. Thats a cool band name, Raging Elk .

The toddler's mother was shocked to find the beast in her bed and ran to a neighbor for help.

"(We) were sitting in the living room and all of a sudden we heard a terrible clamor and clatter, as if an earthquake had begun," Mari Lahti told Finnish tabloid Ilta-Sanomat. "We opened the door and saw an elk in our bed."

There is an obvious explanation. The elk was horny, he wanted some man lovin'. Or maybe he was a pedophile? What the hell was the toddler doing unsupervised in there anyways? You negligent parents.

The elk then jumped on to her son's bed, crushing it but only scratching the boy's cheek with its hoof. It rampaged through the house and fled through another window.

Oh okay, it used its blunt hoof to scratch the kid. I think this 'raging elk' story is just a cover-up for child abuse. She came home, drunk. Her whoring went bad, she had no business, so she got mad, and started throwing stuff violently around the room, and hit her kid. Then a neighbor came over, and she stopped, then gave that story. You know I make a good point, don't deny it. Besides, a rampaging elk? Whats next? Flying reindeer? Oh, wait...

Time to redeem myself of my softer side. You guys wanted evil, you are about to get it.

ANNAPOLIS, Maryland (AP) -- Mattie Stepanek, the child poet whose inspirational verse made him a best-selling writer and a prominent voice for muscular dystrophy sufferers, died Tuesday of a rare form of the disease. He was 13.
Served. Silly kid, refusing to accept his fate as worthless being, he tries to deny his inevitability and write poetry, which probably contributed to his death, because it required him to use his sickly mind. The world will rest better knowing his poetry will corrupt us no more.

"Mattie was something special, something very special," entertainer Jerry Lewis, who chairs the Muscular Dystrophy Association, said in a statement.
A bit biased, don't you think? What about all the other kids that have the disease, they probably feel even more meaningless. You fuck, I hope you die of a more violent sickness, like Ebola. Wouldn't that just suck? And all of the other poets in the world are probably pissed off, because some little shit with a disease made millions just because he had the disease. I bet his poetry sucks ass. In fact, I'm gonna find some and make fun of it...


So high. . .
Wind tickles my tummy
Plays with my feet
Gives my hair a ride.
So high. . .
Grab a leaf from a tree
Reach a so-far-up branch
See over the edge of my earth.
So high. . .
Meditate on being
Touch all my thoughts
Think about friends
And families and
Brothers and sisters.
So high. . .
Leave this world for a bit
Jump into Heaven for a moment
Then, swing back into my life again.
So high. . .

What... the... fuck...
So he was a 13 year old, disease ridden, balding, pot smoking walking corpse? Wow. Look at that poem. Just read it again. I could type better poems with my penis. You know his parents read this shit, and they said, to his face, 'Thats very good honey! You should become a poet!" and he got all full of himself, but as soon as he rolled out of the room on his shitmobile, they said, 'Wow, that poem fucking sucks... good thing he is going to die soon." But because of his illness, they knew he'd die anyways, so they sent it in to some stoner publisher, that decided to give him a chance because he could relate to the poems. Now this kid has 5 books of poetry that sucks ass, 3 of them making it to Time's bestseller list. This just shows, anyone with an illness is going to get special treatment. It shouldn't be that way, why waste time on someone that will die anyways? If its going to be that way, I should be treated a bit better, because I have asthma. Not a fatal illness, but it still counts, right? But seriously, give the people that will make it to be 20 the special treatment. We have to go through all that other shit, the sick kids just sit around in a hospital all day, with people sucking up to them and bringing them expensive shit. I know you are just trying to make them more comfortable, but honestly, is it really that necessary? I'd bring him one of his own books and tell him to read it, because apparently he never read over his shitstorm work. People suck.

I'll leave you guys with another one of his crappy poems.

Quiet, calm, peaceful,
Solemn-eyed, but alert.
These are the deer,
Prancing through the
Forest to the meadow.
Quiet, calm, peaceful,
Solemn-eyed, but alert.
These are the people
Who notice the deer,
Prancing through the
Forest to the meadow.

Apparently that elk never read that one.
http://myhero.com/poets/mattienew.asp (all of his shitty poems... I'm putting it there just in case some asshole comes around accussing me of plageurism or something.)
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