Mar 22, 2004 18:06
Junior Miss is finally over.
Okay, so I didn't win or anything, but it's not like I expected to in the first place. I was just in it to prove that I could do it. I mean, to be honest, NO ONE that knows me had really expected me to do this. I asked my parents if they ever thought I'd do Junior Miss, and they looked at me and said, "Absolutely not." And so I did my thing.
And it was a lot of fun. The night of the real thing, it was surreal. It didn't feel like "the big night," and it didn't feel like it was almost over. But it was. And I'm so glad I did it. The experience made up for the lack of sleeping in every Saturday, and for giving up other free time throughout the week.
But I was really nervous about having my cousin John and his friends there. John and his buds (the J Boys; he and his 5 roommates all have names that begin with J - John, Josh, Josh, Jeff, Jay, Jonathan) graduated last year, and I don't really see them all the time.. So I kind of never told them I was in Junior Miss in hopes that they'd never know.
Hah. Riiiiight. Naive little Kelli.
Well. I saw them on Sat. afternoon, the day of Junior Miss, at the track meet. John informed me that he and the other boys were going to be there cheering me on. And then he let me know that they were thinking about adding more to that and were going to paint my name on their stomachs and stand up and cheer for me. And then he let me know that Jay's stomach is too hairy for the paint to work on him, so they'd just shave the letter into his stomach.
Yes. THAT is why I never informed them of me being in Junior Miss.. To avoid THAT.
But all went well. I'll post some pictures when I get them. And I know I have more to say, but I don't have the time in which to say it.