ACT results...

Jun 29, 2004 19:42

Alright, so I got my ACT results. I'm happier with my ACTs versus the SATs, so all is well.

Here are my results. And the first number (such as 32) is the score that I got, while the percentage (such as 98%) is the percentage of all ACT takers who scored at or below my score.

English - 32; 98%
Usage/Mechanics of English (A sub-catergory of English) - 17; 99%
Rhetorical Skills of English (Second sub-catergory) - 15; 95%

Mathematics - 25; 81%
Pre-Algebra/Elem. Alg (A sub-catergory of Math) - 13; 76%
Algebra/Coord. Geometry (Second sub-catergory) - 14; 93%
Plane Geometry/Trig. - 12; 75%

Reading - 30; 92%
Soc. Studies/Sciences (A sub-catergory of Reading) - 17; 99%
Arts/Literature (Second sub-catergory) - 15; 85%

Science - 26; 89%

Composite (Average) - 28; 93%

So yes. Those scores reflect why I will NOT be persuing Math as a career or in college. I prefer English. Yes. English is good. Actually, I'll probably more specifically persue Journalism. I'm already up for a journalism scholarship, as long as I intend to study it in college. And I do. So yay for that. :)
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