Nov 14, 2004 17:55
ahh so where do i start?
me and adam are good, i love him to death <33
me and beth are good, i love her to death <33
me and kishbaw are GREAT, i sex him to death <33
lmao just kidding beth!!
so, im kind of grounded. heres the story:
my mom knows i smoke pot. i told her because she likes to snoop through my room, there was no way i could get out of it. she also knows that i take pills. i just explained everything to her and i told her i didnt exactly know why i do this shit, i just do it. she kept telling me its because im "depressed". im far from that because who else do you know thats all hip hoppin and happy first thing in the morning? she threatend to drug test me, i told her that i'd show up positive because i have just smoked pot the other day. she asked me if i've been taking any pills latley, i told her just nodoz and thats the truth, which isnt bad because they're otc.
for now she said that i cant go out anymore on school nights, im limited to where i go on weekends.. if i come home smelling like cigarette smoke/pot anymore then i get no tv, no radio, no phone, no computer, no fucking life. which is why im droping everything. yep, im quitting smoking fucking COLD. so far i've gone today all day without one (except one drag of adams) and im kinda okay. i mean i want one really bad but im pretty good. plus, do you know how much money i'll save?!
i gave the rest of my gram to adam tonight, i told him i want nothing to do with pot and that im never touching it again.. well, in a couple months i am.. once this whole thing gets cleared up.
today i had work 8:00am - 12:00pm. beth, sammy and kishbaw came and visited me. i gave them free stuff. ;)
after work, i came home got a shower and went to burlington, the mall, and grotto with adam and his gram. adam got a bunch of stuff for semi. which, i have to get my ass moving on stuff.
Shit for Semi List:
tomorrow im pretty sure me and beth are getting our nails done somewhere since we have a half day of school. i have to figure out how i want my hair done. im not ready for this!
5 fuckin days until semi!